The arms are always at a 90 degree angle with the torso, and they just stand like this the entire game. Mechwarrior 3, due to its unique aiming scheme, allowed arms to move about and helped make things a little less stale, but I'm not asking for that exactly (although I would love to see a floating crosshair return, but that is beside the point). No, I'd like it if mechs with arms did what we see them do in books, art, and even cutscenes:

I want to see them put their arms out and point their weapons. We see it all the time in the art, and even in at least one cutscene.
I imagine they way they would do this is that, if you have a weapon group selected that uses any weapon in your arms, you mech would raise up their arm and point it. I'm not going to lie, this is entirely about aesthetics (Although it would make it easier to see a humanoid mech rounding a corner, because having their arm out would make them easier to see), but I'd love to see it actually come to life, because I've seen it so many other times in all the other media except for the games.