So just to be clear, you agree that there is no 'solo mode' in MWO, but there are people who 'think that they are solo players' (even though the reality is there is no solo mode), and that trial mechs should not be allowed in a 'finished' CW....and your issue with my tread/posts is how I explained my position?
Basically, if you point is that I act like a D-Bag / A-Hole...I'm not going to disagree with you. I don't try to be, I don't want to be, but I'll be damned if I don't come off that way in spite of my efforts.
That said, please don't let my failures at written communication stop you from openly acknowledging when you agree with me on a position. (I know I suck at writing, if spelling / grammar check didn't exist every 3rd word would be wrong, I am very aware just how much I SUCK).
Edited by Armando, 15 August 2015 - 04:09 PM.