Your Personal Top 5 Of Loved And Hated Chassis In Mwo And Why
Posted 16 August 2015 - 04:06 PM
1) Jenner - I started out playing lights (Spiders, when they were broken). Despite all the recommendations to get the best light (at the time), I ignored the Jenner because I thought it looked silly. Slowly it won me over. Until it became my all time favourite mech (JR7-F). Even now that it's been dethroned by the Firestarter and Cheetah, I still love my Jenners. Being a CT on legs really taught me how to pick and choose engagements/firing angles.
2) Kit Fox - It's so cute. And mine is gold. The whole "glass mosquito" playstyle helped me become a better pilot. I attribute what little skill I have now to this little guy and the Jenner above.
3) Wolverine - A mech that received god-tier quirks, that catered right into my build for it. That is the WVR-7K. Sure, the -6K is better, but gods I love 100kph ASRM18 jumpy goodness. Absolutely adored this since the SRM fix. Haven't looked back.
4) Dragon - THE Kurita mech. Looks great, fast, agile and fragile. Definitely my cup of tea.
5) Locust - As a lover of lights, I don't think this needs an explanation.
1) Atlas - I just suck with them. I like the idea, but cannot do well at all. Too fat and slow for my style.
2) Dire Wolf - The same as the Atlas, just slower and fatter. I do okay with the Goose + ERPPC build but that's it.
3) Highlander - Slow, fat, etc. Notice a trend?
4) Shadowhawk - Sounds like a 14 year old "goth" named it. Otherwise I dont really know what I dislike about it, I just hate the mech.
5) Stalker - Undeniably effective but like most of the ones above, just too damn slow for me. If I'm not moving over 90kph, I'm bored.
Posted 16 August 2015 - 04:51 PM
Raven-3L on the other team
Arctic Cheaters on the other team
Spider-5D on the other team
Gigaspike Whale on the other team
Edited by El Bandito, 16 August 2015 - 04:53 PM.
Posted 16 August 2015 - 05:07 PM
1. Firecheeter
2. Spider
3. Dire Whale
4. Arctic Cheeter
5. Hellbringer (yes, I bought one so I can have all the clan crutches too since using crutches is the name of this game)
Posted 16 August 2015 - 05:30 PM
most loved:
- Timber Wolf
- Stormcrow
- Raven
- Thunderbolt
- Ebon Jaguar (or Panther 9R)
most hated:
- Shadow Cat
- Shadow Hawk
- Enforcer
- Centurion
- Commando
I've tried to find a medium (after the Stormcrow) I'd like, but I find them the worst of both worlds between lights and heavies. Just bought a bunch of Novas, so I'll see how that goes.
Posted 16 August 2015 - 05:42 PM
1 – Raven
In particular the Huginn I just love the hate I get in this little beast.
2 - Arctic Cheetah
Because now I have a sneaky fast clan light.
3 – Jenner
I just find these fun, also the variation in types is good (if you don’t want Ballistics)
4 – Ebon Jaguar
I just find these to be pretty mechs, I’ve also finally got the builds right.
5 – Adder
I use to dislike these, but since they removed the flamer I’m having lots more fun in them.
Not So fav
1 – Panther
I thought I like them, but I just cannot get into them, I do enjoy hunting them though.
2 – Spider
Another mech that just doesn’t suit me, plus they’re annoying.
3 – Dragon
Just crazy quirks.
4 – Shadow Cat
I just can’t seem to get a good build that I enjoy on these, also MASC isn’t that great.
5 – LRM Boats
Enough said.
Edited by Druarc, 16 August 2015 - 05:47 PM.
Posted 16 August 2015 - 06:13 PM
1. Banshee 3E - still the best IS assault imho, I feel almost guilty whenever I run it. I like all the other Banshees as well but the 3E remains my favorite.
2. King Crab 000B - quad UACS wrecks face. Again I like all the crabs, very close to the Banshee for me.
3. Founders Atlas - still do well in it. Can still wreck face. Still just feels right whenever I run it.
4. Awesome 8Q - love the quad ppc build. Always liked this mech, even pre quirks. don't run the others much though.
5. Hunchbacks - all of them! Love my founders G to death, but all of them do something different and do whatever it is well.
Don't Love:
1. Orions - pretty much all of them. I try to like it but they melt like butter. Chassis just doesn't work for me.
2. Grasshoppers - too tall, ugly, boring laser vomit.
3. Spiders - all of them are meh to me.
4. Stalkers - I used to like these more but fairly boring to run these days. Not a bad mech by any stretch of the imagination, just bland.
5. Vindicators - nope.
Posted 16 August 2015 - 07:24 PM
1. Hellbringer, because high-mounted sniping mounts on a fast versatile ECM heavy is win.
2. Warhawk, because Wubhawk is love and Wubhawk is life.
3. Pre-Clans Shadow Hawk, because it was the first mech that didn't have a huge gaping weakness of some kind (other than weighing a mere 55 tons).
4. Arctic Cheetah, because it's one of the few lights that can hold a candle to larger mechs and try to push the light queue up to a more reasonable number.
5. Pre-Clans Griffin for the same reasons as the pre-Clans Shawk, just to a slightly lower extent (not quite as well-rounded).
1. Mad Dog, because bad hitboxes make me sad.
2. Mist Lynx, because it's so bad that FASA themselves had to create THREE different mechs to replace it (Arctic Cheetah, Hellion, Fire Falcon).
3. Kintaro, because I keep forgetting that they even exist.
4. Trebuchet, because they were the medium that started the trend of really badly scaled mediums.
5. Adder, because my MW4 nostalgia had me expecting more...
Edited by FupDup, 16 August 2015 - 07:27 PM.
Posted 16 August 2015 - 08:47 PM
Likey: and in no particular order-
Enforcer tied with Shawks- I run fast engines, kings of flank and gank play. Love to get in sneaky like and splat with SRM or some AC20/10 into some red teams ST.
Atlas- Interception Successful.
Warhawk- Dat Prime variant, when HSR works.
Spider- especially the 5V, but Anansi and even MG Spider were super fun for berserker mode.
Battlemaster- waaaaaaaaaay back, I loaded my P variant with ULTRA high mount PPC, and laughed and laughed as I scored hits over rocks to enemy I couldnt even see past the rock because the mounts are so f'ing high. Plus giant XL made it hilarious outrunning half the enemy fatties and heavy when they got pissed after while and tried to facerush me. Hellslinger was a load of fun too. Plus triple AC2 arm one, back before the AC2 nerfs. Could stare down assault mechs with that arm from 600M, such DPS, very amaze.
Not likey- angain in no order
Victor- yeah AC20 arm one is OK. Mastery was laborious for this chassis.
St. Ive's Blues- not even the Vindicators, the performance of this mech has made me hesitate to buy two more variants yet. I should try it again after HSR fix though
FS9- It was like a berserker Spider, except not as agile, and EZ mode with twice the firepower. Preeeeeetty boring.
Dragon- though I have mixed feelings on this one. Some variants were a chore, some were pretty fun once I found a loadoutI liked. mastered pre quirks, so I disregard AC5 machine gun quirks etc, going 100% based on basic hardpoints and chassis performance. Back in the day, Flame was wicked wreckz and Fang was a clunky POS for me. Nowdays I actually prefer ac10/PPC loadouts for the Dragons so Fang works out pretty nice.
TBR- wanted a clammer for this list, and I am the oddball that found TBR to be annoying to loadout, fairly boring to run, didn;t fit into a playstyle I enjoy as easily as many other clammer mechs did. Mostly, it is the heat, the TBR really is shy just a few tons to be able to make a cooler running potent loadout that can keep up with the loathesome laser barf loadouts. I made a few wierd ones(like double UAC10 and some ERML) that did ok(too much face time compared to sticking people with lasers at range) but overall I am OK with leaving them sit for now. maybe once we are past this era of Pinpoint laser puke loadouts I will revisit and buy that store variant that came later. Effective? DUH. Fun? Ehhhhh.. that was my experience with this chassis.
Posted 16 August 2015 - 11:46 PM
1. Catapult - because someone has to take out the pretty girls in MWO. Seriously, the best looking mech in this game, just don't buy VCRs for it.
2. Cicada - Gotta go fast! I love my X-5 and all his siblings, dat leg animation!
3. Orion - because [ORION]
4. Centurions - everything has been said about those, perfect AC20 carriers and fun mechs.
5. Quickdraws - man I love my quickdraws. You just need this kind of mood to take them out.
Mechs to hate:
1. Qickdraws - man I hate my quickdraws. I can only pilot them when I'm angry and mad about something. Those oversized pieces of junk, getting legged behind a hill every time and the weapons of a jenner. Arggghhh... damn mechs.
2. Firestarters - This is possibly the only mech I really had to grind to mastery. That was no fun. Sure everyone was so "hey, best light mech" and I bought this bundle pack one day but it just didn't work for me. Tried everything back then, even made an AC10 version that was halfway decent but in the end, those mechs aren't made for me. Haven't tried with quirks now, though.
3. Ice ferret - I don't own those, but just seeing this ugly piece of trash that needs it diaper changed makes me run away. This mech offends the eye.
4. Atlas - this is my Assault Firestarter. Tried everything but no. Just don't work for me. Had some fun in lulz builds with dual LBX10 but that's it. Not my mech.
5. Stormcrow - Just because the "broken hitboxes" that makes it so OP never seem to work on my crows. Everytime I try some cheese builds I get annihilated... I have the feeling it is the way the
Posted 17 August 2015 - 12:11 AM
Love list
1. Dragons - just have to love hating to love trying to make them work. Lot's of things stacked against them, but they have their upsides as well so perfect mech for someone who loves hardmode (not talking 1N here, 1C and Flame are my favorites)
2. Awesomes - Always loved them, the 9M was the first mech I bought camo for. 9M is still the favorite among them
3. Adders - These guys are just awesome, feels great to pilot. They are like prowling, love how they play.
4. Cicadas - Developed a soft spot for these as well lately, not sure why. They pilot well... feels much better than thei reputation.
5. Hunchbacks - Like their playstyle as well!
Perhaps the common factor here is mid to close-range dancers. Love that territory. Close to the enemy but not committed.
Hatelist - simply (slow) assaults. Risks getting committed against my will, or left behind etc. Fine in organized drops but I really hate them in the soloqueue.
1. Direwolves
2. Atlai
3. Battlemasters
4. Gargoyles
5. Iceferrets (yikes!)
Edited by Duke Nedo, 17 August 2015 - 12:13 AM.
Posted 17 August 2015 - 12:57 AM
Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh, on 16 August 2015 - 06:09 AM, said:
So, feel free to share you thoughts and sympathies here!
kind of funny that you called some of the mech which you like 'she', even orion (rule 63 orion

Edited by bad arcade kitty, 17 August 2015 - 12:58 AM.
Posted 17 August 2015 - 04:10 AM
1) Hellbringer
A lot of good builds with high hardpoints. I have 6, I think it's because I love them.
2) Timber.
Although I don't drop frequently with them, Lore is lore. Iconic. Beautiful.
3) Loup de Guerre.
I don't care if it's sub-par. Dropping with my brawl configuration is delirious.
It gave me the second place in the hero tournament with a lot of fun.
4) Highlander 732B
I don't care if it is considered sub-par. The 732B give me a lot of good rounds, with a lot of k and dmg, giving me the sensation of being unstoppable. Tanky, left shield, power in the right. Ubergiant Centurion

Pure fun.
5) "There is nothing like rolling a Commando"
Aaaaah.... I feel free in it.
HATE (could be something to do with boredom or inefficacy)
1) Arrow.
My cursed mech. I never do well in it. Still have only because I paid with real money.
2) Dragon.
N1: Uberquirked & Uberboring.
Giant walking CT all the others. Really didn't like them
3) Victor.
I hated the poptarting era. Boredoom kingdoom. But at least it was a good mech.
Then useless JJ. Freaking negative quirks, making it a walking mummy.
Now it is just meh.
4) ENF-5P
I think it's been the only mech I sold just after having basiced it.
Really stupid hardpoints and thier locations. Too much slow. Invented by PGI, just saying.
5) Vindy1X
The real and only bad mech in the game.
Not even basiced by playing, but using GXP.
Posted 17 August 2015 - 07:05 AM
Top 5 Favorite:
Cataphract - Ilya Muromets: I finally found a build I love and it is a thrill to pilot. The dakka is real and I always seem to pos . Good damage values and seem to get at worst 1 kill. It is decent in speed, STD durable, and trip A/C5 reliable and deadly.
Panther 10K: Might be the greatest light support mech in the game. Good hitboxes, jumps great, excellent ERPPC quirks, and all at 127kph. Fun build, great poptart, deadly alpha when diving in for a kill (1ERPPC w/ 2 SRM4s).
Catapult - Jester: So fast for a heavy....so fast (97kph). 2LLasers and 4 MLasers offer solid hitting power and hill humping potential early game with the high mount energy. Despite the big CT, the large engine provides neck-snapping torso twist to help spread that damage (when facing laser vomit). I always seem to do well and the fire power is pretty sustainable. Love it.
Urbanmech R63: Who doesn't love the trashcan. Food jumping, 360° torso twist, tiny profile, high mount weapons. It may be slow and trick to use, but it packs great firepower. I don't always do well with it, but its fun and when I do well, it feels very rewarding.
Vindicator 1AA: A fast medium (116kph) with 2 PPCs and great jumping. I tend to play the fire support role and this mech feels like one of the most pure examples. It is very vulnerable with a single MLaser for short range, but it has great PPC quirks for striking at range. It can be cored kinda easy so torso twisting is real helpful. Hard mech to use (often considered worst medium in game), but like the Urbie, rewarding when piloted well.
Runner up - Timberwolf A: Its a Timber Wolf, it has pulse lasers, it wrecks. Not much more to say. Would have made the list, but I feel a bit...dirty after I pilot it. Just doesn't have the same fun factor for me.
Top 5 Dislikes:
You will see this running theme (ballistic centric chassis that's too light for big-ish ballistic or not enough ballistic hard points for MGs and/or solid backup weapons)
Locust 3V: Tiny Locust, horrible hard points. It was a gift though (thank you Rock it) so I want to try and use it. I have to TRY and use 2 MPLasers. Only other hard points are 2 ballistics for MGs...

Panther 10P: Like the 3V above, bad hard points. 2 CT missile, 2 ballistic in arm. Just...ugh. I've just equipped it with 1 A/C10, 1 SRM2. We will see if that bumps it off the list.
Vindicator 1X: Crap hard points (combined with too low engine cap) again. 3 ballistics, 2 energy 1 missile in a 45 ton medium. It just can't reasonably pack the firepower of the other Vindicators or other mediums. Energy and missile aren't good enough to run ballistics as MGs (and 3 MGs aren't enough anyway). Just crappy.
Enforcer 5P: 2 Ultra 5s are underwhelming due to frequent jamming (even with jam reduction). Exercise in frustration when taking it out.
Stalker - Misery: Hated it...hated it...hated it. Worst MC ever spent. I'm not good at Assaults anyway (as a disclaimer), but I'd rather take a Zeus or Battlemaster (with some speed) any day over the Misery. Just didn't like it.
There is my list made off of my experiences.
Posted 17 August 2015 - 07:14 AM
1-) Enforcers
Just love these guys, very nice hitboxes (also loved the artwork, wished model was more like that), will definately lose arms before any torso if you are half decent with twisting. Decent firepower with ok speed.
2-) Mist Lynx
I have a soft spot for this mech, ever since i bought it(didnt really expect it). It is highly ineffective, too few hardpoints with minimal quirks but it can fly anywhere. Its a ton of fun to make this guy work, noone expects you to be any good but when you do work magic it's soo satisfying. I'd highly recommend trying it, it's the urbie of clans.
3-) Hunchback
Can do pretty much everything with this chassis, big ass cannon with a ton of armor/structure bonus. Very effective overall although it is a tad slow. Really looking forward to IIC variant too.
4-) Dragon
My old favorite, got better after the quirks, it has the highest agility amongst all the heavies i believe 30 degree per MP, twists like a madman, cant pack much firepower though aside from buffed ac5s.
5-) Zeus
Looks just boss, that why i love him. For nothing else

1-) Firestarter
Dont hate the mech but for some reason this mech draws the gayest pilots. It can outrun anthing it cant outrun so highly effective. But im so tired of seeing those tryhard pilots who starts runnin away in the middle of the match if their team is losing and shutdown in a remote place in maps. No respect to either team whatsoever. Noone can even see the stats ffs.
2-) Spider
Dont really know why this guy is in game. It was hard to kill and it didnt even pack any punch, just being that annoying little fly.
3-) Trebuchet
Has barndoor complex despite being a medium mech, imo quite ineffective. Have my lowest kdr with this guy, was gonna use it as my lrm mech but turned out rather horrible, sold it before i even basic'ed. Never bought it again.
4-) Orion
Ugly and ineffective.
5-) Timberwolf
Makes every build effective kinda ruins the flavor for me. Dont really intend to buy one, im rather happy with my maddog.
Edited by Lordhammer, 17 August 2015 - 07:15 AM.
Posted 17 August 2015 - 07:21 AM
Posted 17 August 2015 - 07:23 AM
MeiSooHaityu, on 17 August 2015 - 07:21 AM, said:
It's a bit weird how everyone likes them, but you still never see them in-game.

Posted 17 August 2015 - 10:02 AM
bad arcade kitty, on 17 August 2015 - 12:57 AM, said:
kind of funny that you called some of the mech which you like 'she', even orion (rule 63 orion

Wrong conclusion.
Just take a look at those gorgeous curves of ON1-chan and tell me how da hell could mistook her for HIM?!

Posted 17 August 2015 - 12:13 PM
1. Awesome
Overall good speed/agility and firepower, been piloting them since beta.
The wide front profile catches every stray bullet aiming at its general direction, but also mean you can easily roll damage, the shoulder shield are also a saving grace. Had many fights where I am down to a single head laser poking away.
Have always been my go to assault mechs when I need a break from my mediums.

2. Blackjack
Fast, nimble and narrow profile, they make excellent guerilla mechs; pop PPCs and relocate. Or even frontline fire support, using friendly Atlas and Direwolves as hillhump.
Problem with Blackjack is they need XL engine and their side torso are expose in all direction.

3. Centurion
Particularly the AL.
An all range support medium with 2xLL as main weapon, 2x ML as backup and LRM5+10 combo for extra range. The 5+10 combo reload faster and have better missile grouping than a LRM15 plus if you lost one to crit you still have another launcher, but at the cost of 1 extra heat and hardpoint.
Alternatively run it with 3x LL, and 2x LRM5 to maximize quirk gain.

4. Hunchback
Bread and butter 4G, and the Lurmboat 4J.
Tough, compact, more fire power than it's size, a great chassis for new pilot or old pilot learning the ways of the medium.
Their boombox also look really cool.

5. King Crab
An strong battering ram assault to lead a charge with, even face tanked Direwolves and survive a few time. Have a variety of hardpoint type and the weight to carry them, you can always built something on a King Crab.
LRM and fast light are a huge problem for the King Crab, so don't travel alone.

1. Cicada
To put it simply, I am cursed when in one.
Caught between a light and a medium, but lack the strength of either and end up with a slow fat light mech.
2. Thunderbolt
Another odd mechs that I cannot click with, I sometime do alright in them but it just doesn't feel satisfying.
3. Enforcer
Sure, I can make them work and even get good result in them. But their reliant on ballistic and lack of tonnage hamper my trigger-happy-ness.
4. Jenner
Only because I cannot master the art of drive by shooting effectively.
5. I can't think of another mech that I dislike.
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