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Recommended Extensions To The Tutorial

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#1 Dame Irulan


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Posted 16 August 2015 - 02:43 PM

... because the current tutorial is something of a joke.

The tutorial teaches you how to move, how to torso-twist, and how to use jump jets. It also teaches you how to shoot an immobile, pilotless Mech target. Raven takes out Atlas! Yeah! Go me!

It does not:
- teach how to set/use weapon groups
- demonstrate / explain the different weapon types
- provide any training for shooting moving targets
- explain / demonstrate the use of cover
- mention useful keyboard shortcuts like the Q and R keys.

These, IMNSHO, are basic functions, vital to the game. Covering them in the tutorial would help flatten the learning curve for new players and make them feel a little less like they've been chucked into the deep end. I am aware that most of these recommended extensions are covered somewhat via YouTube videos and forum posts made by enterprising members of the player community. I applaud their efforts. But there is a distinct difference between doing something for yourself and watching someone else do it.

So I ask you, the player community, what else would you like to see covered in the in-game tutorial?

#2 Rogue Jedi


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Posted 17 August 2015 - 12:35 AM

I would rather see a mini campaign of tutorial missions,
1) something similar to the current tutorial teaching the very basics of moving and shooting
2) more advanced tutorial teaching the importance of targeting, holding weapons on target and how to hit a moving target (with moving target Mechs).
3) explain the different weapon types, illustrating their differences, (multiple target Mechs used to demonstrate why certain weapons are better for certain jobs)
4) spreading damage while taking down an enemy Mech (would require an AI bot)
and possibly
5) teamwork

#3 oldradagast


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Posted 18 August 2015 - 03:21 AM

A few really easy ones:
1) After having them walk around, give them a mission to cap a base vs. the medium laser turrets. Walk them through rolling damage, focusing fire on one target, etc.
2) After that, same idea, but against mixed LRM turrets and medium laser turrets. Explain the value of cover vs. missiles

They should also make the tutorial mech one that has both direct fire weapons and lock-on weapons, so they can teach the mechanics of both of them.

Simple ideas, the assets already exist, and nothing will be done on any of it until 5 minutes before the Steam release, if ever.

#4 Lanzman


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Posted 18 August 2015 - 03:05 PM

So what you're all saying is PGI needs to add the Chameleon and Crockett training mechs to the game?

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