ALRIGHTY! Contestants, please post your submissions below with a caption stating what category you would it to be considered for!
Categories are:
Mech Art
Fan Video
Character Art
Best Model
Best Screen Shot
Fan Favorite
Vote for Fan Favorite by clicking the "Like" button under a submission. Yes you can vote for your own, yes you can like multiple submissions.
Contest will end (on time *ahem, ahem*) on September 5th at 00:00 EST. Submissions made after the event ends will not be considered valid (no matter how awesome they may be)
After the contest ends a panel of judges will select their favorites and the winner of each category will be announced on [TO BE DETERMINED] Prizes will be handed out no later than a month after the winners are announced barring sudden, horrific financial loss on my part. But if that happens I probably can't afford internet anymore so y'all won't be able to yell at me

Edited by Bill Bullet, 17 August 2015 - 12:54 AM.