Lasers aren't that great. They're just the most effective boating weapon currently available. If they were nerfed, another weapon would take (or retake) priority as the preferred boating weapon, like PPCs, or LRMs again, or SRMs, or SSRMs. Regardless of what weapon system you choose, people are best off boating it.
The real problem is that there are too many incentives to boat in general. Some of these are unavoidable, but some of them are just unintentional side effects of PGI constructs.
Here's a list of reasons why boating a single weapon system is superior
1. Equal velocity, range, duration, and recycle enable overwhelming alpha strikes with minimal skill or effort. This is an unchangeable advantage. Even by itself, this will encourage most people to choose boating as their preferred build style.
2. Weapon Modules (or to be more specific, the limited number of weapon module slots) provide boosts to individual weapon systems. On most mechs, only one weapon type can be fully upgraded with the slots available, so boating that weapon ensures maximum efficiency of the weapon module system.
3. Mech Quirks have been installed on most mechs that apply automatic advantages to single weapon classes (or in some cases, sub-classes even) that, just like the weapon modules, encourage boating of that weapon class in order to maximize the effect of the bonus. The effect is even more drastic for clan mechs, as mechbuilders are encouraged not only to homogenize their loadouts, but also to homogenize their omnipod setups to achieve the maximum bonus.
If we eliminate weapon modules and weapon-buffing mech/omnipod quirks, the advantages of boating, while not fully countered, are extremely diminished. So what can we do to counter the inherent boat-culture beyond that? Well, PGI tried ghost heat, and while I'm not a big fan of totally "out of nowhere" balancers like that, it was pretty effective at preventing the ERLL and ERPPC boat from being a thing. Unfortunately, it only really works for those two weapon systems--laser boats still exist alive and well at medium and short ranges, and expanding ghost heat further is a ****** answer. Furthermore, it would just pave the way for gauss boats to take priority, as heat is never a factor for them.
So what can be done? Well, there's an easy solution, though I doubt it'll be popular. The inherent advantages of boating are exacerbated in MWO because of the big differences in weapon performance. If we diminish those differences, the positive result is that alpha-ing a combination of weapons will be as effective as alpha-ing a single weapon system. The negative result is that we will truly have created "Alphawarrior Online," like some joke about. Think MW4 for those who played it: SSRMs were insta-lock and therefore could be combo alpha'd with lasers easily. PPCs and ballistics all pretty much had the same velocity so combo alphas with them was just as effective as laser alphas. Lasers didn't have any duration to contend with, so even putting together a quick one-two punch with them and ballistics was easy. Combo alphas were every bit as potent as homogenous alphas, so boating was never a strong complaint. However, PGI has been trying to take us in the opposite direction from Alphawarrior Online for quite some time, as is readily apparent by all the effort they go through to create differences between weapon systems.
So that leaves the hard solution, coming up with a way to reward players for not boating. For that, I'll borrow a lesson from RTS games. In RTS, it's typical that every unit has other units that it's best against, and units that it's not as effective against. By applying a unique advantage to each weapon subclass, we have the ability to create combos that are more universally effective than a boat that employs just one weapon type. Here are the changes I would make to each weapon system...
Lasers: No change necessary. Lasers are already easy to use, high-damage, low-focus weapons, but the key is that their disruption ability is essentially zero with no "kick" to the target and little visual impairment unless the shot hits the cockpit. This is important for setting up contrasts with other weapons.
PPCs: In contrast, PPCs would be the most disrupting weapon system in the game. A hit from a PPC would not only disrupt ECM as it does now, but also would short out the HUD for a second or two and reset the target's TIG timer to boot. Oh, and it would totally have kick to it as well. To offset this disruption advantage, I would reduce the PPC's critical hit chance to 0%
Gauss: Gauss is the sniper wonderweapon, capable of accurate shots at great range with nearly zero heat. I'd also increase its kick somewhat. It's drawback, besides the charge-up, is that its critical hit chance would also be reduced to 0%.
ACs/UACs: would remain unchanged. They'd be the middle-of-the-road option, with normal critical hit %, decent disruption ability thanks to the high kick and flash, and good damage with relatively low heat.
LBXs: In addition to its already-increased critical hit %, I would add that each pellet would do 2X damage against internal structure, making the LBX a superior ranged choice over its rivals against already-damaged opponents.
SRMs/SSRMs: I would have them receive the same crit % and IS damage boosts as LBX and the same kick and flash effects as heavy ACs, making them superior to both at short range. However, the disadvantage is that AMS would (finally) be able to swat them out of the sky.
MGs: Enhancing the LBX's bonus, MGs would be the ultimate crit weapon with 4X damage against internal structure. However, the drawback is that they would do only 1/2X damage against armor, keeping them confined to a niche support role.
LRMs: Unique weapon. No change needed.
Flamers: Nobody uses flamers. No change needed.
By making some weapons better for disruption, some better for armor damage, some better for IS/crit damage, some better for deterring lights, and some susceptible to AMS/ECM, we create a scenario where a combination of PPC, lasers, and SSRMs (for instance) could be a more effective fighter than a boat build of any one of those weapon systems. They would be harder to use, of that there is no doubt, and many elite and novice players alike would still choose to boat because of its ease of use (just like many RTS players will choose to just make a mob of tanks rather than use combined-arms warfare), but those willing to take the time to master complex builds would reap the advantages of those combos.
Edited by NeoAres, 20 August 2015 - 03:02 PM.