I didn't read all 3 pages, but here are my thoughs:
1) Dropships are ******** right now. I got cored out from 100% to dead in 5 seconds while standing at omega trying to kill it on Vitric. Happens on some other maps as well - the range is so big you are not able to safely engage the objectives.
2) Above would be fine, IF the dropships didn't have perfect CT accuracy.
3) Even with all this ********, dropships have not stopped one spawncamp from happening. ever.
4) The dropzone fortress encourages bad players to play bad by staying in it, thinking they are safe there.
5) The dropzone fortress has significant impact ONLY in well-balanced matches on counter attack, where the side that gains a kill lead just runs back to them and secures a win that way. And in the balanced matches the dropships should not have any impact, right?
6) Points 1 to 5 were all predicted on forums before the change was implemented.
7) The objectives were moved closer to omega to stop light rushes. Good job. Now we have assault-heavy rushes, where the attacker team is able to kill all 4 targets in 2 waves, faster than the defending team is able to core out the attackers. (not on every map).
8) Point 7 was predicted on forums before the change was implemented.
9) My personal thoughts on solutions:
- Remove the dropship ability to hit CT 100% of the time, while keeping the range.
- Move 2 gens away from omega, while keepin one close
- most importantly: no more than 4~6 pugs per drop. At least 6 people need to be in groups.
- Prevent people from playing CW for a week (or a month.... or a year <dreams>) if any of following is satisfied:
a ) consistent (5+ matches in a row) damage below 1k on a winning team.
b ) consistent (5+ matches in a row) damage below 800dmg on a loosing team.
c ) consistent (5+ matches in a row) disconnects before losing all mechs
d ) dropped a trial mech
10) Perhaps change the o-gens into conquest-like capture targets, with having 2 would make omega damageable but it would take only 30~50% of the damage, while having all 3 would make it 100% vulnerable?
Edited by gloowa, 27 August 2015 - 05:08 AM.