NeoCodex, on 18 August 2015 - 11:51 PM, said:
It's hard to tell, but maybe check to see if you ever see any trial mechs or obvious starter pilots firing MG's at 500 meters. This probably means you are not T1.
The way PGI described, by logic (not PGI Logic), is if a T1 can't face a T4, that means that the tiers can possibly overlap this way: 1-2-3, 2-3-4 and 3-4-5. You can get a full T3 only game, but it's likely that some, or most games will be composed from pilot rankings from one of those combinations.
So it's really hard to tell what tier you are. If you are T3, and deviation really works this way, this means that you can see everything in your matches. Just the odds are lower that you will get really crappy matches this time.
It's actually VERY obvious in some cases with certain matches.
Since PSR still uses the "average" of the teams, well... if there are players on your team or opfor that has a Champion mech AND scores very little.. they are most likely Tier 4 or 5.
It is very much conceivable that Tier 1s will play with Tier 5s ON THE SAME TEAM... even if the opfor does not have Tier 1 players (probably some combination of Tier 2 and Tier 3 players).
It's easier to construct such a mechanism to work OK in solo (derpage will still happen an an alarmingly regular rate)... but it's significantly harder in groups (to the point where the MM tells you it cannot find a match on occasion - though I'm unsure if that's a bug or an actual problem).
With unknown teams and players (basically, any team you can't readily identify and associate with a certain Tier level), it's seems harder to figure out, but trial mechs don't lie!
Edited by Deathlike, 19 August 2015 - 12:39 AM.