first the game has the potential to be beautiful. running these test some of the maps and mechs were very nice looking.
unfortunately the games performance is all over the place at least on this r390.
sure it gets upwards to 140fps at times other times it is below 40
the game needs optimization badly .
so i would say before we get more pretties we need a better optimized game then what we have currently.
ill let the videos speak for them selves. when i get them posted up.
some quick notes
these were done on windows 10 enterprise evaluation latest amd catalyst drivers
intel 5960x
amd r390x
32 gigs of ddr4 ram
mechwarrior was 64bit, dx11
the dx11 may have been the issue for the r390.
also apparently there is a bug with the r390 and caldera where smoke is not rendered.
videos when i get them trimmed and converted
notice the low fps on this one
And last but not least where is my Performance !! lol also no smoke
Edited by nitra, 25 August 2015 - 01:20 AM.