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Which Upcoming Mechs And Packs Did You Pre-Order?

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#41 9thDeathscream


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 06:58 AM

All of them and the Top Teir versions. I like to support the game, even with it's flaws.

#42 angelsdksdk


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 06:59 AM

View PostWrayeth, on 26 August 2015 - 04:29 AM, said:

I haven't bought any. The last time I spent money on this game was for a founder's package. The prices are a joke - way beyond anything I can justify spending money on. $30+ for an assault mech? Hell no! I could buy another entire GAME for that price, and it wouldn't even have to be on sale. Moreover, if I outright buy whatever game it is, it'll be mine forever, unlike a mech that I buy for MWO, which will one day close its doors. Hell, I could also use that cash to buy 50 rounds of 7.62x51 NATO ammo (brass-cased, brand new) for my AR-10 or go out and pay for my portion of a rather nice dinner at a fancy restaurant.

Additionally, the major selling point that got me to invest in the game as a founder in the first place, community warfare, turned out to be a joke. It didn't even come close to living up to its potential.

Don't get me wrong, I still play MWO as a mech-themed FPS, but it's not enough for me to be interested in spending money on it, especially not at PGI's prices. They're geared towards what's known in the F2P industry as "whales", which I certainly am not.

TL;DR Prices too high, content too low. I might've occasionally spent a few bucks on the game if the prices were more reasonable, but even then I wouldn't be a major spender.

i agree with you, the packs are all too overpriced. i bought MGSV for 34usd only and a mastery pack like atlas cost easily 40usd and above for a hero mech and 2 version... some miserable premier time which counts down when u offline, pathetic display items in the cockpit

Edited by angelsdksdk, 26 August 2015 - 07:10 AM.

#43 Kira Onime


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 07:10 AM

Currently have nothing pre-ordered tho I might get the black knight when it comes out.
As for the IIC mechs, heh. Maybe the jenner and hunchy... maybe.

#44 Mechwarrior Buddah


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 07:39 AM

View PostKira_Onime, on 26 August 2015 - 07:10 AM, said:

Currently have nothing pre-ordered tho I might get the black knight when it comes out.
As for the IIC mechs, heh. Maybe the jenner and hunchy... maybe.

How can you say maybe to clan mechs with IS mech construction rules XD

#45 sycocys


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 07:58 AM

View PostMechwarrior Buddah, on 26 August 2015 - 07:39 AM, said:

How can you say maybe to clan mechs with IS mech construction rules XD

The fact that clans are getting a Hunchback and that this set of mech will presumably actually feel different from each other had me considering the origins.

At the same time, mechpack development has outpaced game development by a ridiculous margin, so that's what settled it for me to wait until the c-bill release. If they were putting a fair amount of effort into developing things like CW, more maps and some interesting modes to play - I probably would have bought it and Clan III without even looking at what mechs were in either pack.

#46 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 08:08 AM

View PostAlistair Winter, on 26 August 2015 - 04:04 AM, said:

A question to my fellow 50-or-so General regulars, and to all the lurkers. Which mechs and mech packs from Resistance 2 and Origins did you pre-order? I'd be interested in seeing what people are buying and hearing your thoughts.

I personally bought the Black Knight. I have all variants of 3 light mechs, 3 medium mechs, 3 assault mechs and only 2 heavy mechs, so I needed a third and only the Black Knight suited my needs. It may be the last mech I pre-order, at least for a year or two.


Looking at the Instagram preview, it looks like they've already made a variant with ballistics in the right arm. I guess this is for a Black Knight hero mech to be released at some point, like the IV Four ballistic hero variant of the Quickdraw?

I'm not pre-ordering any Origin mech packs although I'm pretty interested in buying them all for C-bills at some point. It was tempting to buy the Jenner IIC pack for $20, but I've spent too much money already.

How about you guys?

like you, I skipped Origins. Finances are a little tight, ATM, and I am saving money for the Kickstarter on the Turn Based Battletech by HBS. That, and well, my spear fishing/freediving/scubadiving/underwater photog addiction.

I did end up buying the full monty on the Resistance II. Already had Res1, decided why not? Never been a particular fan of the Mauler (honestly it largely sucked in TT and MW4, never understood the geewhiz fanboi fetish people have for it) but even if it sucks, kinda glad I did because the modelers did a bang up job. It's one of the best looking Assaults in the game.

Really was only fully interested in the Jump-Crab variant, but well....I'm a Btech addict.

Skipped origins also because I don-t think they are going to be all that.

Plus, need to see more progress, specifically on CW and PvE to feel inclined to spend heavy again. Wasn't going to buy Wave III, Resist II or ORigins at all, originally, but then "won" (gifted) the Hankyu pack on the forums. So scratched up the money to upgrade to Shadowcat based on the model.

That said, we get a Warhammer/Maruader based pack, I'll buy. Not gonna kid myself, lol.

#47 TLBFestus


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 08:15 AM




I'm just beginning to see some promise from PGI that might eventually crack the seal on my wallet. It shouldn't be that hard, I've been spending like a drunken sailor on STEAM and in "World of" games.

I keep hoping that they come up with a better monthly subscription idea than "buy MC, get Premium Time", cus it's not all that.

View Postsycocys, on 26 August 2015 - 07:58 AM, said:

At the same time, mechpack development has outpaced game development by a ridiculous margin,.....

This particular situation has been ongoing for years. It was much, much worse about 18 months ago, but it is still frustrating at times to see them show an amazing ability to crank out "mechs for sale" over content.
(Yes, for those white knights sharpening their "They need money" blades, I know that already).

Edited by TLBFestus, 26 August 2015 - 08:19 AM.

#48 Nathan Foxbane


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 08:24 AM

All the packages. The only thing I do not have is a gold 'Mech which makes me sad because a gold Kit Fox would be made of win.

#49 Spheroid


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 08:33 AM

Early bird Wolfhound.

#50 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 08:47 AM

I bought the Wolfhound (Steiner) and the Mauler. Not really a fan of the Mauler but I do wanna see what I can do with it here.



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Posted 26 August 2015 - 09:23 AM

None, i got Phoenix/Clan wave 1 and then got the Resistance1 refunded. PGI has run out of mech with different hardpoint between variants. All the upcomming battlemech have similar hard point and make owning more than one redundant like most clan mech. So im left with buying mech based on their look(Panter, Enforcer) and i wait for cbills release. Also i hate waiting for mech release and they dont release them together now which doubly sucks.

Though the ballistic version of the KNT suggest we could see a hero soon, maybe even at the pack release and that would be very cool and help with diversity.

#52 CDLord HHGD


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 09:40 AM

Unless there's an Unseen/Phoenix II pack and/or unless the next pack(s) include mechs I really like, I think my pack days are done. Almost every mech I cared about/like from 3025-3050 is in game.

#53 FupDup


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 09:42 AM

I was actually planning to cave-in to the pressure and nab the Origins pack, but then Xsolla decided to be a ******* and cockblock me out of it (and got my credit card locked!). It's like they don't even want my money...



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Posted 26 August 2015 - 09:51 AM

View PostFupDup, on 26 August 2015 - 09:42 AM, said:

I was actually planning to cave-in to the pressure and nab the Origins pack, but then Xsolla decided to be a ******* and cockblock me out of it (and got my credit card locked!). It's like they don't even want my money...

I had similar problem once with Resistance pack1. Email support they will make it happen. We were exchanging email even on weekend until we could make it happen. Felt sad the day i asked for a refund because of all that work we had gone through but i just didnt want to wait for it and not being able to play them all at the same time.

#55 627


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 11:03 AM

skipped both.

R2 wasnt interesting for me, E-only is a bit boring for 12 new mechs to level. And the mauler? Just can't get all the fascination with it.

The origins pack looks good, especially the orion because I love my orions. But waiting half a year is just too long. And I'm still a bit angry that I can't buy these packs with MC, something I spend hard money on. If you want to use those, you have to wait even longer and I can't support that.

#56 SaltBeef


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 11:24 AM

Waiting for 2c....I purchase packs now better sense with the premium time and extras. Look forward to buying campaign mission packs with mech bonuses in the future if they go that way. :)

#57 TwentyOne


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 11:26 AM

View PostEl Bandito, on 26 August 2015 - 04:07 AM, said:

Origins would be the better purchase. Superior Clan tech + IS level customization is so engaging in concept. Gimme that Clan XL, gimme that 2 slot DHS, gimme that 7 slot enfo/ferro, gimme that 12 ton Gauss, gimme that half weight LRMs, and gimme that sweet sweet CERML. The Highlander IIC-C is gonna be the first mech ever in this game to brandish Dual CUAC10/LB10X in one arm. And I am gonna boat ALRM60 on that 4 missile HGN-IIC-B or ON1-IIC-A, and have enough back up weapons. No regret selling my IS Highlanders.

Best of all? Though the IIC are Clan mechs--they cost only $80 for the biggest pack, as opposed to $120 like Invasion Clan mech packs. Plus you can put on the sweet Wolf/Falcon/Ghost Bear camo on those mechs! Still, I am not gonna buy the pack though. Just personal feeling towards PGI--the pack itself is good.

Resistance 2 is just a boring laser-vomit pack, unless you spent $80 and bought the Mauler. That 90 ton mech is gonna be fun.

and then defend clans as being balanced and fair even when they get full IS style customization.

#58 TwentyOne


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 11:33 AM

View PostDAYLEET, on 26 August 2015 - 09:51 AM, said:

I had similar problem once with Resistance pack1. Email support they will make it happen. We were exchanging email even on weekend until we could make it happen. Felt sad the day i asked for a refund because of all that work we had gone through but i just didnt want to wait for it and not being able to play them all at the same time.


#59 Scout Derek


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 11:48 AM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 26 August 2015 - 08:08 AM, said:

like you, I skipped Origins. Finances are a little tight, ATM, and I am saving money for the Kickstarter on the Turn Based Battletech by HBS. That, and well, my spear fishing/freediving/scubadiving/underwater photog addiction.

I did end up buying the full monty on the Resistance II. Already had Res1, decided why not? Never been a particular fan of the Mauler (honestly it largely sucked in TT and MW4, never understood the geewhiz fanboi fetish people have for it) but even if it sucks, kinda glad I did because the modelers did a bang up job. It's one of the best looking Assaults in the game.

Really was only fully interested in the Jump-Crab variant, but well....I'm a Btech addict.

Skipped origins also because I don-t think they are going to be all that.

Plus, need to see more progress, specifically on CW and PvE to feel inclined to spend heavy again. Wasn't going to buy Wave III, Resist II or ORigins at all, originally, but then "won" (gifted) the Hankyu pack on the forums. So scratched up the money to upgrade to Shadowcat based on the model.

That said, we get a Warhammer/Maruader based pack, I'll buy. Not gonna kid myself, lol.

There's a reason for the fanfare on the Mauler Bishop, check this out:

Posted Image

And noteably in mechwarrior 4 vengeance and black knight (yes fanfare there too), the Mauler was noteably used by Casey Nolan (One of your lancemates)

Also Mauler was a favorite of mine, not going to line, Being able to dual guass or RAC with it was quite the thing to do.

Also skipping orgins? Who wouldn't want a hunchie with Jump Jets and a clan XL? D:

Though I will say there's quite a few downs with it.

#60 The Ratfink


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 11:53 AM

Up to now I bought them all. Passed on resistance 2 as I don't see anything new or exiting, not only are most of them energy boats even the variants only differ by maybe one hard point so they will just be quirked differently.

The origins I quite fancy because I don't have 3 of the IS mechs anyway. But couldn't bring myself to preorder.

In the end I may just buy up to the mediums on both as they are my thing.

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