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Academy Bugs/feedback

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#1 Taelon Zero


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Posted 27 August 2015 - 09:05 PM

Great tutorial, MWO has needed exactly this for some time, well done.
The arrow showings leg direction is great

Changing mechs broke my minmap
Can kill Captain Adams and hw will still talk (maybe quirk his atlas so dual ac20 crab cant kill him)
Targets on gauntlet/cored bug and stop shooting so by 3rd round its pointless
Rapid fire could use a buff +0.5 per round seems a bit small +1 would get to the real challange much faster.
After doing cored run, then going to rapid fire "Critical Damage" overrides the start countdown.
If you are not using throtle decay, you keep moving at the end of round scoreboard and may end up lost.
Changing the controls during the movement tutorial doesnt update on the hud.

I realise that Nvidia surrond has its issues with MWO, but use it anyway too painful to go back now but noticed a few new graphics issues.
Only centre and right screen go black with the tutorial text.
Water not always rendering

Overall this is great, look forward to seeing what will come.

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