"i am a loner"
Bad news. Being alone in this game is often a death sentence - you don't want to wander away from the team, because if the enemy realises that you're alone and vulnerable, they'll come and kill you.
"i like sniping with instant hit weapons"
Sounds like what you're looking for is gauss-vomit. That is, a combination of gauss rifle and laser vomit.
"are SCR-PRIME with an array of lasers for different situations"
In MWO, it is best to avoid equipping weapons for an array of different situations. When you're fighting at long range, the tonnage you spent on the small lasers goes to waste, and when the enemy is in your face, you've dedicated tonnage to hot long range weapons that are not efficient at working at close range. In MWO, try to keep it to two different weapons on any build. Sometimes you can mix in weapons with similar profiles (such as cERML and cLPL), but avoid mixing weapons with differing profiles (cERSL and cERLL).
The mechs I'd recommend the most based on what you've told us is the
Hellbringer. It has ECM, so you can get away with pulling wide flanks and abusing cover without being targeted by the enemy. That said, it's a slow-ish mech that has a hard time defending itself against lights, so you don't want to stray too far away from your team to the point where you could get swarmed by enemy lights. The gauss alone can be fired from concealment with relative impunity. The lasers give away your position to the enemy, but they are vital to your damage output. Here is a more
extreme range build. It doesn't work very well in solo queue because it's hot and requires you to be a very long range, but you can give it a try.
A few other mechs that come to mind are the Shadow Cat, the Cicada, the Raven, the Stalker, the Jagermech, and the Stormcrow. The first three are all light mechs, basically (even though some of them are technically mediums). The Stalker is kinda like the DWF, except it's a little bit more mobile and it's REALLY good at abusing horizontal cover (aka it can ridge-peek with its high mounted weapons) . Same goes for the Jagermech, except is usually carries ballistics (dual gauss is a fun build). The Stormcrow can do everything. It's very maneuverable and its odd shape means its spreads damage very well and can be quite forgiving to new players. It's almost fast enough to pull off solo flanks.
"and DWF-S with 8 C-ERLL's only (because Daishi is toooo sloooow to follow enemy light mech up close with its crosshairs anyway, so if lights surround me, i'm dead for sure)"
DWF is a team mech. It's best used away from cover. Think of it as a walking turret - nobody wants to be in front of a Dire Wolf, so it's a good means of area denial to the enemy. Park your DWF near cover, but in the open and shake your very large stick at anybody that comes near your yard. That said, it requires team support. A lone Dire Wolf is a dead Dire Wolf. Because they are so slow, they are prime targets for lights and medium harassers. You can't solo flank in these things, you have to stick with the team and the team has to cooperate with you.
The best loadouts for DWFs are dualgauss+vomit, singlegauss+extravomit, UAC/5 spam, UAC/10 spam, and mixtures of UAC+vomit. Stacking 8x cERLL is just super hot and situational. It kinda-ish works on Alpine, but pretty much nothing else. You might be tempted to be a "sniper" and pelt things from the opposite side of the map, but most engagements in MWO are within 800m, so you don't need to stack ERLL to be an effective "sniper".
Edited by Tarogato, 31 August 2015 - 12:38 PM.