627, on 14 December 2015 - 11:27 AM, said:
reupping Onimusha's screens to another hoster, can you see them now?
Tku for rehosting them 627 <o
Scout Derek, on 14 December 2015 - 11:30 AM, said:
Yes, it's fixed now, thank you very much.
Now can I attack you for hating on Facebook hosting website? =P
And yeah, I'd like to take the IIC pack (HBK & JR7).
Looks like we'll be hunting you again come Mar 2016. Gee, I wonder if that involves luck, LOL!
Seriously, if anyone thinks nothing in this world involves luck/fate, maybe they're a Jedi or something. So, to all enjoying the Star Wars week, may the Force be with you.
P.S. If F8 is so pig-headed to not apologize or take his mech pack, I'll gladly take his share. DIBS CALLED! =P
627, on 14 December 2015 - 12:39 PM, said:
damn, now I want a burger...
Thanks alot!
Now I just need to up this to orion and we can go to town!
So you have a thing for phallic protrusions? =P