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Arctic Cheetah Balance Changes Coming Sep 8Th

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#161 Sarlic


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Posted 04 September 2015 - 09:09 AM

View PostLunatech, on 04 September 2015 - 06:52 AM, said:

Never said they would do better. I only said that good pilots will still do well after the nerf. Those same players that do well in a Commando.

But the bads will still whine because their 1337 mlg420noscope Dire Whale got killed by a light.

Solo a DWF in a Locust/Commando/Spider and wait for the hate. The Cheetah will be that and more.

There's a difference between a rant / whine - which you see more often - then just questioning about balance and having a reasonable civilised discussion.

#162 Aresye


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Posted 04 September 2015 - 09:17 AM

View Postspectralthundr, on 04 September 2015 - 08:51 AM, said:

And at the end of the day the hit reporting is still going to be mediocre so that AC20's face first into Cheetahs are still going to show a hit indicator and either pass right through them or do no damage a good percentage of the time. No fault of the mech itself but of Cryengine being garbage.

Okay then, so why are you putting the blame on the ACH?

#163 spectralthundr


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Posted 04 September 2015 - 09:20 AM

View PostAresye Kerensky, on 04 September 2015 - 09:17 AM, said:

Okay then, so why are you putting the blame on the ACH?

I wasn't, I just don't feel it's a good idea to overquirk lights to the point where they play better than most heavies. Given the issues with hit detection and the decision to go with Cryengine rather than stick to Unreal like the 2008 pitch demo.

#164 Livewyr


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Posted 04 September 2015 - 09:38 AM

Ok, nerfing the ACH (in removing the quirks) is a good thing. *not* doing the same for the FS9 is a bad thing.
But then, PGI (IS players) cannot risk finally having a clan light mech on par with their darling IS lights.

Where are the Shadowcat buffs?

#165 KraftySOT


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Posted 04 September 2015 - 10:24 AM

I like that this thread is pretty overwelmingly in support of the changes. Thats nice to see for once.

#166 Speedy Plysitkos


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Posted 04 September 2015 - 10:36 AM

seems, p2winners got enough of their toy. Nerf incoming.

Um.... where did i see this alreadxy....

#167 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 04 September 2015 - 10:38 AM

My post from another thread:

All joking aside, I feel I have an easier time destroying big mechs with the Cheetah than I do with the Firestarter, the cSPLs have the perfect blend of range and DPS that make it very effective.

The FS9-S has the range, but DPS (and even heat) falls short of the Cheetah
The FS9-A has the DPS, but the range requires you to get very close, which in some situations is okay, but in others can be prohibitive. Now before folks can say "Range doesn't matter when you can run 150 kph you scrub L2P", I'm afraid that just because you can leave cover and close the distance, doesn't mean a good player can't have open season on your legs. Its funny, depending on who you are playing you can experience a bunch of paper cuts all over your mechs, or your legs are opened up almost instantly, so the ability to poke from 200 m and still keep most of your DPS is a huge advantage in many situations.

I know it looks like a small difference on paper, but in practice it is a noticeable difference, and what makes getting high damage/high kill games in the Cheetah a bit easier than the FS9.

Also, lets not forget for all the firepower similarities, the Cheetah has 6 JJs and ECM (sometimes), where the FS9 has to make due with 1 or 2 JJs and no ECM ever. Having hops always helps.

That being said, Firestarters retain the Light vs light crown, with the extra speed and shorter duration lasers, it seems to work out that way, although the times I have run into FS9s in a cheetah, it hasn't been an issue, but they have typically been bad builds/bad players.

So take that how you will. Is either mech uber OP needing to nerfed into the ground? Of course not, its a light. If a couple people know how to shoot, you can leg a light very easily.

However, I do think a small reduction of quirks is warranted, but the dramatic "OMG its so OP I'm uninstalling the game because of this P2W garbage!! *sniffle*" is pathetic and ya'll need a gut check.

Those saying that the FS9 needs its quirks removed as well, I'm not sure about that, if you remove all quirks on both mechs, suddenly the MPL Firestarter is a little too hot to be viable, and the crown goes indisputably to the Cheetah.

#168 Johnny Z


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Posted 04 September 2015 - 10:39 AM

Omni tech OP please nerf.

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