As someone who mostly plays solo I would like the option to drop in group queue to help smooth things out in the group queue; while I also sometimes drop in smaller groups under no circumstance do I want to see larger groups removed again as that was a disaster.
My personal thoughts on improving the queue time in group queue is to give up on the concept of matching mech classes at all. Stop trying to have 3/3/3/3 in the group queue, and let people play what they want in the way that best fits their strategy. Groups should have an easier time with dealing with setups that contain large amounts of a particular weight class. If a group wants to bring all lights or all assaults because that best fulfills their strategy then that should be allowed. The entire concept of 3/3/3/3 is repugnant to me, as is taking away our choice of game mode.
Russ Bullock, on 03 September 2015 - 03:43 PM, said:
As you can see I am willing to try and keep the any group size thing around a while longer if we make a few other changes.
1) possibly allow solo's to opt in - so long as it doesn't pull to many solo queue should still perform well.
2) game mode selection likely needs to be random or the voting we once had. In other words all three available - this becomes even more important and would actually encourage us to add a 4th mode.
3) This one is your home work : reduce the jig saw pieces by allowing more restrictions in group creation - something better than the 3 of any weight class we have now - atm too many groups of 2, 3 and 4 ALL contain 3 heavies and so on. Go with 2 max until you slip into groups 9+?
Stepping away for the time being.
1)Yes, do this, I have wanted this option since you guys separated the groups from the solos.
2)NO, HELL NO, and ******* HELL NO! I repeat NO!
3)How about no restriction on what you bring. As I said above the groups should have an easier time dealing with unbalanced weight class combos. Do not take away my ability to play with friends, do not take away our options, and do not force us into a situation where we have to argue about who gets to bring what they enjoy to play so that someone else can bring what they enjoy to play. Let us all bring what we want period.
Edited by WarHippy, 04 September 2015 - 07:14 AM.