First up, we have the Mauler with launchers squaring off against the same weight Highlander at 90 tons. Mauler's arms are slightly higher than that of the Highlander but the torsi mounts are almost the same. Mauler has slightly raised crotch than Highlander.

Then we got the 95 ton Banshee to compare against. They have the same crotch level but notice how Mauler's arm shields are taller than that of Banshee's. Should be fun shielding with those, even against LRMs.

Then we got the 95 ton Executioner. Draw your own judgements.

And here are the same comparison pics without Mauler's missile launchers.

Finally this pic is just to illustrate how wide is the 80 ton Victor. Poor thing didn't make it to the re-scale polls, but there is always next time, I hope.

My conclusion? The Mauler is scaled very well for its size. The torso overall is slightly wider than I would have liked but it is still a good chassis.
What do you think?
Edited by El Bandito, 03 September 2015 - 05:08 PM.