Per request, I'm making a thread for custom sounds. I imagine it'd be pretty much be options for us to choose different sounds for our weapons & mechs. Perhaps a big 400 rated engine should simply sound different compared to a 275.
I'm thinking this could also be done in a similar way to warhorns, sell us different sound options for our mechs/weapons.
Also, what Eldagore says.
I'll update this thread when/if there's more input. This wasn't my idea originally.
Edited by TheArisen, 05 September 2015 - 10:09 PM.
I will post a link to a youtube video that uses a "non approved" mod which overlays mechwarrior 2 hud/betty/weapons sounds onto MWO.
Sound is key to immersion in a "sim" game like this(MWO might stretch the mech sim aspect of mechwarrior, but still) and things like incoming missile warnings, Bitchin' Betty's voice, weapons sounds, background music packs- all those things can set the mood and can also require a little different theme from player to player for immersion to happen.
I would:
Offer different HUD packs, to include warning sounds and things like target window sounds, sound FX for when you turn on/off heat vision, etc
Offer different "Betty" packs, with different voices and dialogue for themes for Bitchin' betty
Weapon sound packs are a no brainer, IMO they need to be in packs for value, and sold individually for each weapon so people could mix and match to taste. maybe a sound for clammer ERML is the only one a player wants to change for example. Buy a pack for a discount, go to a new UI tool to select a sound for a particular weapon in mechlab.
Music. unlock tracks one at a time, set up a UI to organize a playlist, set tracks for menu, match play, etc. Basically a track list with some check boxes for when you want the track to pay, so you could set one track to only play on menu, one only on match, some for both, etc.
To see the difference a sound mod can make to how the game feels, here is a video of a mod made by a player. it is important to note PGI has not given a 100% "NO" to this, but also not said it is ok to use. If you pursue this, know it is not "legal" technically. I only post the vid here so people can see what a sound change can do to the game.........
I will post a link to a youtube video that uses a "non approved" mod which overlays mechwarrior 2 hud/betty/weapons sounds onto MWO.
Sound is key to immersion in a "sim" game like this(MWO might stretch the mech sim aspect of mechwarrior, but still) and things like incoming missile warnings, Bitchin' Betty's voice, weapons sounds, background music packs- all those things can set the mood and can also require a little different theme from player to player for immersion to happen.
I would:
Offer different HUD packs, to include warning sounds and things like target window sounds, sound FX for when you turn on/off heat vision, etc
Offer different "Betty" packs, with different voices and dialogue for themes for Bitchin' betty
Weapon sound packs are a no brainer, IMO they need to be in packs for value, and sold individually for each weapon so people could mix and match to taste. maybe a sound for clammer ERML is the only one a player wants to change for example. Buy a pack for a discount, go to a new UI tool to select a sound for a particular weapon in mechlab.
Music. unlock tracks one at a time, set up a UI to organize a playlist, set tracks for menu, match play, etc. Basically a track list with some check boxes for when you want the track to pay, so you could set one track to only play on menu, one only on match, some for both, etc.
To see the difference a sound mod can make to how the game feels, here is a video of a mod made by a player. it is important to note PGI has not given a 100% "NO" to this, but also not said it is ok to use. If you pursue this, know it is not "legal" technically. I only post the vid here so people can see what a sound change can do to the game.........
the whole sound package needs a bit of polish, i want my betty to ALWAYS call out information, not some times, or most of the time. always. the fact that it doesn't is annoying.
also warhorns, their whole deal is devalued because half the time they don't go off either.
the whole sound package needs a bit of polish, i want my betty to ALWAYS call out information, not some times, or most of the time. always. the fact that it doesn't is annoying.
also warhorns, their whole deal is devalued because half the time they don't go off either.
Tbh, this thread isn't about fixing sounds in mwo but I agree.
This idea would do a lot more to improve the game than people might realize. Sound and music are extremely important to movies because music affects your mood.
A simplified idea is Pgi could have music for each mode, Skirmish, Assault, etc, etc. Of course, players would be able to turn off the sound if they wished.
I know I'm late to join the party but I believe they should have sounds of all the older games 2/3/4/etc and custom sound effects that aren't realistic but sound really awesome
Edited by IronJavelin, 03 February 2016 - 07:34 AM.
Locationis something I can not say... I keep landing up lurking...
Posted 12 February 2016 - 05:47 AM
Consider me On-Board with support to this thread and idea. I would really like the Incoming Missile Buzzer from MechWarrior 2, over the current voice info. Every time I heard that back then, I would flash in my JumpJets faster than a Love-Crazed Monkey's Uncle could kiss a person, which usually enabled me to dodge the entire volley. It would also be nice to hear proper voice info every time somebody takes out your Targeting Comp, Active Probe, ECM, AMS, etc., instead of having to listen for a rare tiny sound effect.
Maybe even just a "Radio" that lets you choose from pre existing packages, or load your own. Could even have triggers, like changing to a song/sound bite when entering close proximity combat, or making a kill etc.
- I'd love to have the MW2 music sequence, maybe even betty too