i just finished downloading the pts server, and I'm excited to get in there (once my download finishes) even if I'm extremely late to the party here, however, there is an idea I had that I thought might help to balance mwo more between the two different playstyles and adding balance to IS vs clans that I believe is simpler and much more effective than a quirks system mentioned in the original post (if ive ranted about this in other threads then just skip past, this idea hasn't changed much in the past weeks).
first idea- add pilot deaths as a possible result of overheating. the numbers can be tweaked however the developers think would help the game the most, but it would be interesting. an pilot skill could even be added for the pilot death system like the ability to install an advanced cooling vest skill or module. that's all of idea 1.
idea two is a little bit more radical, but it does/ almost does away with quirks entirely, in favor of a simpler and more comprehensive idea. this idea is that clan and IS weapons should be more than slightly different, like firing pattern shouldn't be all of it. a clan medium laser should not be just a drawn out, hotter, and farther reaching weapon than the IS medium laser (those two are used as examples because they are the standard workhorses of the collective tech trees.) these weapons can be pushed tweaked to fit a unique role that the weapons enemy faction (IS or Clan) cant do with their version of the weapon. this is there too an extent with the lrm and ac firing patterns but in order for this idea to work they need to be further specialized. I'm willing to give further examples if your interested but for now I'm moving on to part two of the 2nd idea.
part 2 is were things go really of the rails here. allow the opposing factions, with limitations of course, to use weapons from other tech trees. in order to avoid seeing a clan loadout banshee or something similar like an IS loadout Kodiak, limit the amount of weapon systems from other tech trees that can be retrofitted onto other tech tree mechs.
the inspiration for these ideas come from the canon battletech books. I will always remember the various parts in the archer christiphori trilogy were he surprises the heck out of his enemies because his penetrator had been outfitted with clen er large lasers in its arms that he had gained from the clan wars. (christiphori is my childhood hero).
those two ideas can be taken seperatly or together or not at all. however I feel like they are quality ideas that both stay true to the battletech lore, and help to further push mwo into an environment were a 12 Kodiak rush isn't nessacarily the only winning move the clans have. if you want to take it a step further, then maybe let people have a "captured" mech from the oppositions tech tree in their dropdecks, but that may be a little over reaching.
comments, criticism? should I forget I ever thought these thoughts and never repeat them again? let me know. my only goal is helping mwo in any way I can.
Edited by naterist, 11 October 2016 - 07:59 PM.