Spoo Hunter, on 12 September 2015 - 12:50 PM, said:
@Dimento Graven, In the TT rules any mech with no lower arm and hand actuators could flip their arms over and fire backwards. Such a maneuver takes the place of the torso twist. A neat trick in the static turn system of the TT, but probably of very limited use in a real-time game like MWO (unless we had a rear-vision mirror
Perhaps a mirror should be the next cockpit item.
*Edit* Couldn't resist whipping up a concept...
Hah, actually I was thinking of a new game feature to support rear mounted weapons (and in line with the current subject, arm flipping), a key that causes us to 'flip to rear perspective'.
Everyone could mount weapons in their 'mech, tag them as 'rear firing' and each 'mech could assign Key 7 as the "rear firing group". Then, there'd be a key press, let's just make one up for argument's sake, F5, where, the screen would "flash" and you'd be looking out the rear with a maximum 70 degree viewing angle (because of TT rear firing arc lore), and wallah, you're primary mouse button fires the rear weapons.
Maybe to increase the 'difficulty' factor of this, have the mouse movement and AWSD keys work in reverse, S key moves you TRUE forward, W moves you TRUE backwards, A torso twists true right, D torso twists true left, etc.
Talk about 'flavoring', BUT, it'd a nifty feature of the game that, as far as I know hasn't really been replicated in very many other versions of BattleTech/MechWarrior.