As a highly active tweeter, I am going to dabble in something I thought would be useful for the community. While many users have twitter and actively engage with Russ and the team via twitter, a lot of other users do not.
What I am proposing is a location for players to post up questions/suggestions that I and/or other tweeters can share with Russ and the developers that are online.
Twitter obviously differs to the forums, first and foremost being much shorter there is less time for vitriol and QQ, secondly Q can be quick and clear, allowing for a better response. Now at this stage, what I am proposing is just a bit of a test as I am interested to see how it works out.
I would hope to use this in conjunction with the twitter newsfeed thread set up by Raubwurst, whereby twitter can provide an enhanced medium for community feedback..
Now for the guidelines;
1. When posting, pls identify who your question is directed to, although please note we would make the choice of who finally receives the tweet.
2. Tweets will only be directed to the following accounts;
- @MechWarriorF2P
- @russ_bullock (President - Piranha Games Inc.)
- @Paul_Inouye (Lead Designer at Piranha Games Inc.)
- @Matt_Neutron (Game Producer Robot)
- @caeten (Mike Forst - Piranha Games - IT Manager)
- @LaurenBamlett (Texture Artist at Piranha Games)
- @AlexGGarden (Piranha Games Support Lead)
3. Tweets will only be shared if they are seen to be constructive and/or beneficial to the games development and community needs. No flaming, baiting, complaining or similar nonsense.
4. If we get lots of similar tweets these will likely be grouped into one conversation (if it gets off the ground)
5. Remember that tweets are limited in length, so keep your question short (140 characters tops) otherwise we wont share it.
6. I am doing this at my own discretion, any flaming or grief for not sharing a tweet or anything else will be promptly reported. I am not here to put up with player QQ.
7. This is NOT a discussion thread - so we can keep it focused on community Q. Any posts that appear to be off topic will be reported as spam/off-topic.
8. If you like, start the tweet with your forum name so we can have a more personal approach to the Q!

That's about it for now! Ask away!
Edited by White Bear 84, 22 June 2016 - 06:04 PM.