Nightmare1, on 14 September 2015 - 07:52 AM, said:
This. It's basic experimentation iteration. If the goal is to test one variable, then you eliminate all other variables so that you can establish a baseline. Once that is accomplished, you proceed from there, adding the other variables back in incrementally.
Folks just freak out because they don't think critically any more. They see something they don't like and have a knee-jerk reaction to it rather than thinking about the reasons for why that something may exist in such a manner. I thought Paul's announcement regarding the PTS was fairly clear that this was an early, highly experimental, and unfinished build of the new rebalance. Thus, I took it with a grain of salt that they were just wanting to test what they had accomplished to date.
Going forward, I have high hopes for the rebalance and faith that PGI will get it right. It's in their best interest to do so, after all.
some folks freak out because they believe they* have all the answers, and how dare PGI not do it their way, in their order of priority and timeline.
Not that I need to name names or anything.

*(or some mythical former forumite have all the answers, even when the gaps in their plans had been shown repeatedly)