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Need Help With Armor, Internal Structure, And Crits Breakdown

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#1 Grigs85


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Posted 17 September 2015 - 10:06 PM

I did some research on Armor(Arm), Internal Structure (IS), and Critical Hits (CH). I found what looks like good information spread out on the forums and wiki, but I want to run it though the community to see if Im understanding this correctly and to ask a few details.

As I understand it: Each component has IS equal to half it's Arm. When a component is hit it takes damage is applied to the armor, and then to the IS, and when the IS is gone the component is destroyed

Q: does damage rollover from Arm to IS

As I understand it: Every instance of damage to a components IS has a chance to provoke a crit or crits (14% chance of causing 2 critical hits, and a 3% chance of causing 3 critical hits for a total of a 42% chance of any sort of critical hit). The crit doesnt deal extra damage to the IS but instead damages the Items house there. Each Critical hit rolls it's selection randomly (fizzling if no valid item is present). The chance of a given item being selected is equal to X/Y, where X is the number of slots it occupies and Y is the total number of slot occupied by valid items. Empty slots and Dynamic slots are not valid. So if you score 2 CH on a side torso with 2 SRM-4 and an ASM the respective chances for selection 40%, 40%, and 20% for each crit. Giving you a 32% chance of destroying one of the SRM-4s (assuming they have 10HP)

Q: What else is not valid?
Q: If Fixed equipment like actuators and life support can be crit what effect takes place?
Q: What do the different actuators do for that matter?

Q: I read that engines have 15HP, and everything else (less Gauss Rifle) has 10HP is this still true?
Q: I also see conflicted values on Gauss Rifle does it have 5HP or 3HP?
What happens when Ammo is crit, does it explode automatically or does it have to take 10 damage?


Edited by Grigs85, 17 September 2015 - 10:07 PM.

#2 Spheroid


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Posted 17 September 2015 - 10:29 PM

Ammo has a 10% chance of blowing up(when destroyed). Gauss rifle is 100%.

Edited by Spheroid, 17 September 2015 - 10:40 PM.

#3 Sarlic


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Posted 17 September 2015 - 10:29 PM

Somebody already done this very back in 2012/13 i believe.

#4 Mcgral18


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Posted 18 September 2015 - 05:30 AM

Crits do deal 15% of their damage back into the IS.

10 is the normal HP, Gauss at 5, ECM at 3(?) and AC20 at 18. Smurfy has that info.

If a FLD weapon deals damage to the IS as it breaches armour, it still deals full crit damage. As a result Dual Gauss has a 17-20% chance to one shot a cockpit.

Each component damage passes through, damage is reduced. 60% and 80% reductions. Ex, an AC20 hitting a broken leg will deal 4 damage to a CT, not 20 with a direct hit.

#5 Mcgral18


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Posted 18 September 2015 - 05:53 AM


I made this thread awhile back, it should have relevant info.

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