Kira_Onime, on 20 September 2015 - 11:11 AM, said:
It took me ~6-8 hours to complete.
The event will also run for around 6 days until the patch hits on Tuesday.
I just find it enjoyable to have a challenging event every now and then and honestly, unless you have 10 hour work days, time is not an excuse. The time is there, you simply have to take it.
Thats awesome for you!

However, some folks have waited 6 hours or even days waiting for one or two maps. It is the nature of random numbers that it works for some folks and not for others. There are folks who have played 10, 20, 30 hours and haven't seen the maps they need. It is LUCK and you were LUCKY ... there are always some folks who will be lucky.
Here is the rest of the math for you ...
On average it will take
63 52 matches to just get a chance to play on each map twice. If you only get the match score requirement half the time it will take about
150 104 matches just to see each map 4 times (though some of those you might get on the first try and some could take 4 or more).
(I was thinking about this and completing 2 sets of maps might be more like collecting 2 sets of 9 coupons rather than 18 separate ones)
If each match takes 15 minutes including the match and wait time then MOST people are looking at about 16 hours of play JUST to get to play on each map twice (52/4 = 13). This is 2 times the amount you said you played ... and it is the average time required IF you make your score in every match. Six to eight hours is way below average and it had nothing to do with skill and everything to do with luck.
At the same rate it will take about (100/4) = 25+ hours of play just to get each map 4 times (this is the case where you make the match score in 1/2 your matches). Hey ... what do you know? 25 hours of play is the better part of a week of work for an "average" player in this tournament.
LOL ... " time is not an excuse. The time is there, you simply have to take it." ... wow ... what a clueless statement. If you think an average of 25 hours over 6 days is reasonable ... then all I can suggest is that you get a life
Your 6 to 8 hours was incredibly lucky. Great for you but doesn't help everyone else out there.
"Without the bigger picture, you can claim that I got lucky on my rotation but I can just as easily say you got unlucky.Also keep in mind that the forum is a vocal minority, every one using their own personal experiences has to be taken with a major grain of salt. "
Well ... read the MATH above. It has NOTHING to do with anyone's personal experience ... it has to do with exactly how coupon collection lotteries work ... period ... and this tournament is a perfect example. It takes an average of about 16 hours of play for each map to show up twice ... you got yours in 6 to 8 hours ... that is LUCKY. Period. No other experiences or anecdotes required.
Edited by Mawai, 21 September 2015 - 10:47 AM.