El Bandito, on 21 September 2015 - 11:48 AM, said:
Because it is the newbies who need MC the most. This was their chance of getting an equivalent of a free mechbay, but PGI bungled it up. Fat chance newbies getting anywhere in this shitstorm of a challenge. Even some experienced players playing over the whole weekend couldn't make it to T1 thanks to RNG map drops.
By not making it a participation only? Is that why you don't like it now for newbies?
Instead of a disgruntled Vet talking for someone else, someone they will not meet, let alone voluntarily play with, let's wait for a newbie that installed the day before this event and let him talk for himself.
The last event was participation for reward and the next one will be too.
Why is it so wrong, all of the sudden, for a challenge to actually have some challenge to it? What makes you so afraid of this challenge, map issues aside, to start clamoring because THIS challenge is so god awful for some fresh install. That fresh install has bigger things to worry about then some Tournament. By the way, what the hell is some newbie doing going into a TOURNAMENT with expectations of winning?
Ever enter a Tournament for something that you have never even played before or even understanding how to play?
Going to go sign up to play in a Chess Tournament and then complain it is awful for you because you just started playing?
Besides needing a warning label on your peanut butter that it contains peanuts, a warning that your milk contains Lactose, you need a warning label for Events that that are not for some fresh install noob?