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This Event Screwed Over The Newbies The Most.


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 12:04 PM

View PostEl Bandito, on 21 September 2015 - 11:48 AM, said:

Because it is the newbies who need MC the most. This was their chance of getting an equivalent of a free mechbay, but PGI bungled it up. Fat chance newbies getting anywhere in this shitstorm of a challenge. Even some experienced players playing over the whole weekend couldn't make it to T1 thanks to RNG map drops.

By not making it a participation only? Is that why you don't like it now for newbies?

Instead of a disgruntled Vet talking for someone else, someone they will not meet, let alone voluntarily play with, let's wait for a newbie that installed the day before this event and let him talk for himself.

The last event was participation for reward and the next one will be too.

Why is it so wrong, all of the sudden, for a challenge to actually have some challenge to it? What makes you so afraid of this challenge, map issues aside, to start clamoring because THIS challenge is so god awful for some fresh install. That fresh install has bigger things to worry about then some Tournament. By the way, what the hell is some newbie doing going into a TOURNAMENT with expectations of winning?

Ever enter a Tournament for something that you have never even played before or even understanding how to play?

Going to go sign up to play in a Chess Tournament and then complain it is awful for you because you just started playing?

Besides needing a warning label on your peanut butter that it contains peanuts, a warning that your milk contains Lactose, you need a warning label for Events that that are not for some fresh install noob?

#42 Lootee


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 12:04 PM

View PostFupDup, on 21 September 2015 - 08:26 AM, said:

To restate the point of my post in other words:

Posted Image

I won!

#43 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 12:09 PM

You're here to defend the defenseless, to make sure that underdogs get a fair break;
Your job is to stand up for the powerless, and prosecute all those who exploit them."

I think that was in the bible.

It wasn't in the satanic verses though.......

Glad we know where everyone stands. :)

#44 crashlogic


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 12:11 PM

View PostTWIAFU, on 21 September 2015 - 12:04 PM, said:

By not making it a participation only? Is that why you don't like it now for newbies?

Instead of a disgruntled Vet talking for someone else, someone they will not meet, let alone voluntarily play with, let's wait for a newbie that installed the day before this event and let him talk for himself.

The last event was participation for reward and the next one will be too.

Why is it so wrong, all of the sudden, for a challenge to actually have some challenge to it? What makes you so afraid of this challenge, map issues aside, to start clamoring because THIS challenge is so god awful for some fresh install. That fresh install has bigger things to worry about then some Tournament. By the way, what the hell is some newbie doing going into a TOURNAMENT with expectations of winning?

Ever enter a Tournament for something that you have never even played before or even understanding how to play?

Going to go sign up to play in a Chess Tournament and then complain it is awful for you because you just started playing?

Besides needing a warning label on your peanut butter that it contains peanuts, a warning that your milk contains Lactose, you need a warning label for Events that that are not for some fresh install noob?

The challenge is in scoring the requisite number of points. Not5 in playing forest colony 50 times in the hopes og getting viridian bog twice.

#45 Appogee


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 12:16 PM

View PostApnu, on 21 September 2015 - 09:23 AM, said:

I avoided the event this weekend. It wasn't worth the aggravation.

Dear God, I wish I had.

3 days solid of rarely getting the maps I needed to even have the chance to complete the PUG Queue challenge.

The few times I got them, my team got wiped in 3 minutes, or my team wiped the opposition so fast I fell short of the score. I had matches where I did 3 kills and 7 assists ... but no, not enough to get 300 match score.

For the first time in 3 years I just don't want to play Mechwarrior any more. It is just depressing me.

Edited by Appogee, 21 September 2015 - 12:27 PM.

#46 krash27


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 12:18 PM

View PostEl Bandito, on 21 September 2015 - 06:49 AM, said:

PGI basically sent them the following message with this tourney.

"Hi newcomer, welcome to MWO. We know that only four starting mechbays is tight for you, and CW is ages above your skill level, but no worries, here is a chance for you to earn a completely free mechbay!

To earn this completely free 300 MC, all you have to do is to score a low low point of three hundred, on each of the maps, that gets harder and harder to drop into, and kindly ignore the people who disconnect, or run out of bounds, or suicide, at the start of the game.

Have fun, and be sure to check out our awesome consumables, and use them a lot to make scoring easier for you! Because the WHOLE TWO MILLION C-Bills that comes with the T1 winning package will totally cover the costs of the near hundred or two matches that you will be spending Strikes, UAVs, and Cool Shots on.

Also, did we say that CW is above your skill level? That was just a joke. Join CW with our completely optimized meta trial mechs for the chance to earn another 300 MC, this time with WHOLE FIVE MILLION C-Bills addition!"


I kind of agree but....
PGI seriously screwed over themselves with this event!
Oh yes the new players and what not took a **** kicking but in the end how many new players were turned away? How many senior to vet players have curbed how much they spend on MWO if not stopped giving PGI money period?
How many people cut down their play time never to increase it again after getting the latest shafting from PGI?

They certainly are reaping what they sow.


#47 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 12:24 PM

View Postkrash27, on 21 September 2015 - 12:18 PM, said:

I kind of agree but....
PGI seriously screwed over themselves with this event!
Oh yes the new players and what not took a **** kicking but in the end how many new players were turned away? How many senior to vet players have curbed how much they spend on MWO if not stopped giving PGI money period?
How many people cut down their play time never to increase it again after getting the latest shafting from PGI?

They certainly are reaping what they sow.


I saw them promoting the numbers on another thread. It's impressive except when you consider how many players have alternate accounts.

We know the elite team guys all do to farm c-bills with their buds in cw now.



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Posted 21 September 2015 - 12:31 PM

View Postcrashlogic, on 21 September 2015 - 12:11 PM, said:

The challenge is in scoring the requisite number of points. Not5 in playing forest colony 50 times in the hopes og getting viridian bog twice.

The challenge now is to see how many you can report in one match for DCing.

I'm up to 8 in one drop, bet I can beat that today thanks to the solo underhive.

View PostAppogee, on 21 September 2015 - 12:16 PM, said:

Dear God, I wish I had.

3 days solid of rarely getting the maps I needed to even have the chance to complete the PUG Queue challenge.

The few times I got them, my team got wiped in 3 minutes, or my team wiped the opposition so fast I fell short of the score. I had matches where I did 3 kills and 7 assists ... but no, not enough to get 300 match score.

For the first time in 3 years I just don't want to play Mechwarrior any more. It is just depressing me.

Don't worry, go refresh the Tourney page, they prolly just handed the rest to you like they did for me.

So, for most of us now, we are done or damn close to it. The rest will be in solo queue, DCing like mad for those last few maps.

Best advice, join your Unit and stay out of Solo queue as it will be horrible.

#49 Appogee


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 12:39 PM

View PostTWIAFU, on 21 September 2015 - 12:31 PM, said:

Don't worry, go refresh the Tourney page, they prolly just handed the rest to you like they did for me.

Ah, they lowered the qualifying scores, which was nice.

But I still haven't qualified on HPG (only got three times in three days of playing, and failed to qualify on all three occasions) and Vitric (only ever got ghost drops there).

I have failed hard, with a vengeance.

Edited by Appogee, 21 September 2015 - 12:41 PM.

#50 lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 12:42 PM

View PostEl Bandito, on 21 September 2015 - 06:49 AM, said:

PGI basically sent them the following message with this tourney.

"Hi newcomer, welcome to MWO. We know that only four starting mechbays is tight for you, and CW is ages above your skill level, but no worries, here is a chance for you to earn a completely free mechbay!

To earn this completely free 300 MC, all you have to do is to score a low low point of three hundred, on each of the maps, that gets harder and harder to drop into, and kindly ignore the people who disconnect, or run out of bounds, or suicide, at the start of the game.

Have fun, and be sure to check out our awesome consumables, and use them a lot to make scoring easier for you! Because the WHOLE TWO MILLION C-Bills that comes with the T1 winning package will totally cover the costs of the near hundred or two matches that you will be spending Strikes, UAVs, and Cool Shots on.

Also, did we say that CW is above your skill level? That was just a joke. Join CW with our completely optimized meta trial mechs for the chance to earn another 300 MC, this time with WHOLE FIVE MILLION C-Bills addition!"


God, it was awful (from a new account perspective!) I tried an old account that only had 2 Locusts and 1 Firestarter for the Solo TDM and yes it was harsh. THEN, I tried dropping in CW using nothing but Trial Clan mechs. I could never break 200 no matter what... not to mention it was like driving overheating bricks.

So yeah, from an established account perspective... I could have grinding out the matches and eventually gotten Tier 2... but what's the point? I've played for a year and a half on this, have tons of mechs, cockpit stuff, and have all the money and modules for all my mechs that I didn't need what the tiers were offering. As far as the top prize. Screw it, I'd rather pay $20-$40 than waste my weekend praying to RNGesus for the right map and match.

From a new player perspective that could have used anything they were offering... it was a middle finger/thiseventisnt4u.



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Posted 21 September 2015 - 12:59 PM

View PostAppogee, on 21 September 2015 - 12:39 PM, said:

Ah, they lowered the qualifying scores, which was nice.

But I still haven't qualified on HPG (only got three times in three days of playing, and failed to qualify on all three occasions) and Vitric (only ever got ghost drops there).

I have failed hard, with a vengeance.

Naw man, you only fail if you give up!

Sure this random map crap horrible and we have posted good ideas to fix for the future. Beyond the map issues, this is a very good event! Great rewards, all queues, group or not, covers everyone. Personally, I like the high scores needed. I like the challenge. I like trying to get better, this helped in doing that. I LEARNED what I was doing 'wrong' and made adjustments. Instead of getting angry at not making match score I found ways to play better and get a better score improving myself. This is where I and most players differ. I do not see a loss as loosing. When I loose, and I do, I find a way to mitigate the chance at a loss in the future, I change and adapt. A loss is a chance to learn. You only loose when you do not learn from your losses.

Now that they lowered the bar, your doing to be doing better. Ack! Does not read like how it is meant. What I mean is your going to be ahead now. Relax. Take a breather. Now, go group up with some friends and do some fun drops. Forget the challenge and play for FUN. Get out of solo queue!!!



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Posted 21 September 2015 - 01:04 PM

View PostsaKhan Ds00 Kerensky, on 21 September 2015 - 12:42 PM, said:

From a new player perspective that could have used anything they were offering... it was a middle finger/thiseventisnt4u.

I would hope a new player has the basic understand of what Tournament means.

I would hope basic human intelligence would win out when starting up a brand new game for the first time and entering a Tournament right off the bat.

Be like installing that crap game WoW, and entering a Raid right away. For most of us it does not take a degree in Aeronautics to figure out it may not be a good idea.

#53 EgoSlayer


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 01:08 PM

View PostAresye Kerensky, on 21 September 2015 - 11:32 AM, said:

Funny how when we have challenges that are very easy for any player to accomplish, everyone goes, "Great challenge PGI, really enjoyed this one!" despite the rewards being relatively weak, yet whenever the challenge gets tougher, involves real monetary (MC/mech pack) prizes, and actually gives the competitive side of the player base something to do, all of the sudden it's "unfair."

When the prizes are better, the work required is higher. PGI alternates between doing big prize events and smaller, easily attainable events, so even if this event is seen as hard to new players (which it is), there will be plenty of future events that they can easily complete to earn free stuff.

That's what the leader boards are for, that's where the real prizes are. If the match score was 100/200 or even 50/100, the leader board standings wouldn't change. But more casual/new people are likely to play with lower entry points on the tiers to get the basic tier rewards since it's something they can accomplish.

View PostTWIAFU, on 21 September 2015 - 01:04 PM, said:

I would hope a new player has the basic understand of what Tournament means.

I would hope basic human intelligence would win out when starting up a brand new game for the first time and entering a Tournament right off the bat.

Be like installing that crap game WoW, and entering a Raid right away. For most of us it does not take a degree in Aeronautics to figure out it may not be a good idea.

The difference is that you don't "choose" to enter the tournaments anymore. Every match is part of it whether you want to or not. In WoW you are not forced to raid, in MWO you are part of the tournament and subject to the AFK/Disco/Meta even if you didn't want any part of it, which makes the only option to exclude yourself to not play at all. That isn't healthy for the game.

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