My overall feeling is that this was a good idea, but it needs refinement to help a couple sticking points.
1. Disconnect counter. Yes, it's bugged on PGI's end, but it was a very good idea to fight bad player behavior. I would like to see this exist in other events as well as a negative to your score total. I know there are other ways players will misbehave, but keep reading.
2. CW scoring system. The score multiplier for mechs left at the end of match needs to be addressed. Insane bias for the winning side, especially in a stomp. See also a certain Red Dog Clan's antics.
3. The RNG gods hate all of us. Yes, we have no control over the map selection, so we have a 1/9 chance of getting the map we need. To compromise, what about making a dual win condition for prizes? i.e. Tier 1 prize at all maps @ 300 points on each maps, or 3500 total points and Tier 2 prize @ 400 points on each map, or 4500 points total? This would further discourage bad behavior as EVERY map has the potential to count toward the prize, even though it is more difficult to get those super high scores. This goes double for CW, where the time investment is much higher.
4. Prizes are rock solid, and the challenge is very challenging. Seeing colors as prizes is awesome, mechs need more color. Hell, it even got me back into the CW queue for a while.
5. Not sure that the extra leaderboard prizes adds anything other than creating issues. The people at the top of the leaderboards are going to run full meta regardless, it's just adding fuel to the bad behavior. Maybe lesser prizes for the top 50 or 100?
P.S. A whole weekend without Terra Therma, Alpine Peaks, and Frozen City was quite nice.
Edited by Big Tin Man, 21 September 2015 - 08:31 AM.