masCh, on 28 September 2015 - 06:17 AM, said:
If you read what I said, the dropships will always be there but they will not shoot if there are more than a certain number of you already there. So noone will be able to turtle.
If you have 10 mechs at the dropzone, the dropships won't shoot.
If there are 4 of you at the spawn point and only two spawncampers arrive, the dropships won't shoot.
If there are 4 of you at the spawn point and only four spawncampers arrive, the dropships won't shoot.
If there are 4 of you at the spawn point and 7 spawncampers arrive, the dropships will activate.
IF there is only 1 of you at the spawn point, and 3 spawn campers arrive, the dropships will activate.
IF there is only 1 of you at the spawn point, and only 1 spawn camper arrives, the dropships will not activate.
THis generates better match ups. When the odds are heavily against you then the dropships activate.
I do not appreciate what you implied, about letting the game win for me and reward for no effort. You can either apologize, or you can get off this thread?
Way to many variables to be programmed. Also everyone reads what you say, but your points are unrealistic and biased.
1st of all if an enemy team gets to the point where camping you is already possible.. then they already won because they are going to kill more of you then you will kill of them.. why? because they have established control of the area. And what is to stop someone from not dropping? if there a 4 alive on both sides and only 3 drop then the drop ship will kill all 4 while the 3 that dropped stay alive. now that would not be fair would it? no it would be smart... just like establishing control of your enemies movements. Lastly if you move as a team.. a full 12 pugs or 12 man.. then you should all drop
before the Campers get there. giving the opportunity for a counter attack on damaged mechs. It really just turns into a competition of who is the better team.
masCh, on 28 September 2015 - 06:40 AM, said:
THe 10 min wait time is indeed a factor. This is the primary reason we're running around with 12-man and a half and woudl rather play the PlayNow queue instead of CW, because every time we suggest CW to the group, most of the people would protest "we rather not waste 10 mins waiting". And all those times we have queued anyway, the defenders only start filling the slots after the 9 min mark because that's when they get the red popup.
Faction chat has nowhere the influence of the popups. More importantly, Faction chat DISAPPEARS when you switch to Mechlab or the Store and all chat logs disappear and all ongoing Faction chats are not recorded on your client, Faction chat only appears to ONLY those who are watching the Faction Tab. There is no way to reach those who are browsing the store or playing around the Mechlab or looking through pilot skill trees to join a CW match other than through the Blue/Red Popups. (We're not talking about faction mates you have on your friends list, we're talking about the rest of the faction).
Some of you may not appreciate this if you play for the Clans because there's always InnerSphere defenders attempting to mount a defence when you initiate, there's always more IS players than Clans in the queue on any given contested planet especially because they are made up of mixed Houses.
But to mount an attack as an InnerSphere House, that 10 min wait is a killer. The 10 min is also a best case scenario, because that doesn't take into account of the time it takes to find a couple of players to fill in the queue to get a 12 that you need to initiate a countdown timer on the defenders in the first place - and that goes up to 15-20 mins just to get your initiating group of 12.
If your in the store or mechlab your probably not doing CW then huh? no... your building mechs or buying something.
Alot of people do not like the 10 min wait time, but it is there for a good purpose for it. if you cant understand that then you are clearly ignorant. BTW i think i mentioned why its there, but if you need a detailed explanation then ill type it out for you.
If your mounting an attack as a pug... oh my god.... this just in.. you need 12 people and the enemy needs 12 people.. and this is for both clans and IS?... yeah its the same both ways brah its just IS would rather defend because its easier to get matches. ( and win them to) OH and there are always more defenders because as you said.. mixed factions, but only one faction of clan can attack a planet, so why dont people drop against you? because they do, but it takes you forever to form a 12 man.. because your pugging.. then it takes time for other pugs to assemble against you.. or a 12 man drops and reks your face.. then you return here and whine about drop ships being under powered and how it should be easier to ghost drop....
Dakota1000, on 29 September 2015 - 09:24 PM, said:
To be honest, CW would be pretty great if pugs and groups were separate, or at least had some planets that were pug only and some that were group only and some mixed. That way you could have casual players learn how to actually play the mode, find out some things they need, then maybe later move onto a group and try to play like that. The groups could have their skilled opponents they always wanted, I mean there are definitely enough groups to have group vs group with all those ones floating around currently just to wipe up some poor pugs in trial mechs. For those who like it how it is there is the middle ground in which it can be any combination.
You get people to join groups by getting them to like the mode enough to want to be in one, not by stomping them so hard they would just rather not play at all.
You get people to join groups by using TS and joining a Unit with fun and interesting people. We all understand what it is to be new, but that is not an excuse and should not be a handicap. Nor should it penalize actual units in CW by cutting the population down and dividing it. My unit dropped in the very dead Smoke jag CW and played against some complete pugs.. they did not whine once and for that i thank them.. hopefully they will join a unit and enjoy better matches in the future.
masCh, on 01 October 2015 - 04:54 AM, said:
Nobody, in my entire CW career, has been witnessed to hide in the spawn behind dropships unless they are severely outnumbered. Every single Mechwarrior on every single CW match has fought outside the spawn when the odds are even as well as when the odds are slightly against them. I do not know why you make unfounded accusations to your fellow players, and I do not know where you draw such imaginations from.
Don't believe me? Next time you steamroll an opponent, call out the last defenders for a 1v1 or even a 1v2 (one of them and 2 of you) and they'd certainly comply. You'll find your observation to be similar to what we've experienced.
Getting personal are we? Sorry I do not run light mechs in CW. Would you like to accuse me of something else?
Do you think that I am defending the "hide at the spawn point" idea? On this thread I am the only person who argues that Dropships SHOULDN'T shoot when the number of mechs at the spawn are about equal on both sides so that people can't use spawn points to create an unnecessary advantage.
Nobody has ever hid in the Drop zone? (in your carrier... LOL) then how do you know of drop zone farming/ camping? it happens on Vitric forge alot btw because it requires JJ's so the pug just stays up there and trolls for 12 min's. "
unless they are severely outnumbered." btw yeah thats a very valid reason the delay the matches end time..... Lastly if "the last guy left standing" wants a duel most people would not mind doing it unless they just do not care... but that is no reason to stand in the drop zone.. go die and drop again... try harder...
Edited by Bashfulsalamander, 01 October 2015 - 11:31 AM.