Not a spectacular round "on paper," but when you consider the team I was working with...
It was one of those games where all three assault mechs are clustered behind the same building trying to hide, while a Cicada scratches at them with with 2ERLL. Despite numerous attempts to warn the team of incoming enemies, (as a good Huginn should,) and despite numerous warnings by other teammates that we needed help from the fatties (who were still hiding,) we were predictably rolled and destroyed.
No biggie. The other team needs to have some fun too.
But here's my issue: I busted my ass for the team, and ended up contributing more than most of them combined. My final damage was even higher than all but 1 on my team, and with the game stats shown above, it's pretty obvious that I was contributing a lot more than most on the team.
But simply because it was a "loss," my pilot rating went down.
If anything, when one or two mechs have stats that TOWER above the rest of their PUG team, I think the rating should go up even more. There have been many losing armies who's heros gained fame and respect due to THEIR conduct, (despite the loss.)
Just sayin...
Anyway, I love the rest of the patch, thanks!