1. Refresh button: this is badly needed because 30-50% of the time the list shows false data (ie. showing someone online when not; showing someone in group when not; etc.) Sometimes this false data PERSISTS between matches.
2. Custom friends list: this is badly needed because the friends list is one huge mess of unorganized names. It would be nice to have categories for 'Potential Recruits,' 'CW Players,' 'Elite Players,' etc. Multiple custom friends list would be the best but I'd settle for one for now.
2a. An alternative to the customs friends list above would be to allow 'tags' to be attached to each player. Maybe different color flags could be used where the user could assign a personal meaning to each color. For example RED flags could mean Elite Players.. BLUE could be Potential Recruits, etc. Then by selecting a flag in a drop-box above, this could bring up only the players in your list with a certain colored flag attached to their name.
3. Jump-to functionality: where after the user clicks on the friends list to give it focus, he/she is able to press a letter, for example the 'S' key, making the cursor jump to the first name beginning with 'S.' The reason this is needed is self-explanatory.
4. Being able to see unit affiliation in the friends list would be nice too but not a necessity.
Guys if you can think of anything I missed please add to this list.
Thank you for your attention PGI.
Edited by DAEDALOS513, 24 September 2015 - 06:03 AM.