I understand that most of us (well, more than likely EVERYONE who will comment) are players who have been at this game for a while, but we really need to put ourselves into the new player's shoes.
1.) Offcenter cockpit. While it might be great in some "advanced" tutorial down the line, it is NOT great as a starting mech. The asymmetry of the cockpit view and the 'guide arrow' that pops up on the ground would be particularly confusing to new players. I've been playing for three years, never piloted a Tbolt though, and even I was confused for a few seconds before I realized 'oh yeah, it's the thunderbolt" ->>> Explain that the cockpit if offcenter, or pick new mech.
2.) Medium Lasers. The two medium lasers mounted on the chassis fire from the exact same location. I can imagine there would be some confusion caused by this, as new players may think "there are two medium lasers in weapon group 3, yet I only see one beam of green light, what am I doing wrong???" ->>> Either fix the hardpoint locations, or change the tutorial mech.
3.) Too many weapon groups. I get it, they want a mech that has all kinds of hardpoints so they can demonstrate the different kinds of weapon types, but 5 is simply too many for a new player.
4.) No one mech can showcase all the weapon types effectively, there should be two versions of the same trial mech you pilot.
5.) Armlock with both X & Y movement may be too confusing. Something with only vertical arm movement might be less confusing. I remember when I was a new player, I had arm lock on for a LONG time. It was way too confusing on my JM6, and when it switched to a Cataphract, it was even moreso.
I'd think the ideal mech would be two builds on the JM6-A.
1 - It's symmetrical, two of each weapon type on both sides. Still has arm and torso mounted weapons.
2 - It can fit all weapon types.
Loadout #1: 2x SRM2, 2x AC5, 2x ML
Loadout #2: 2x LRM10, 2x Machine Gun, 2x MPL
Edited by xeromynd, 24 September 2015 - 06:25 AM.