cSand, on 24 September 2015 - 11:20 PM, said:
I actually just watched a friendly ~95% DWF turn tail and run while I fought with a Stormcrow (in my damn QKD no less)
DWF big-balls guy was standing there, took one shot at the SCR, the SCR grazed him with a stray shot, then he
turned around and ran behind a rock.
Yea sorry buddy wouldn't want you're effing paint job scratched there
Luckily some guy in a Jenner I think it was stepped up to the plate and helped out
Other times... you can clearly see most of the enemy team on the radar and where's the friendly team?
Oh yea there they are, about 5 squares away cowering behind something
Mech-cowards online

Its true but sadly a necessity for that poor scared assault pilot. The jenner can come help and leave as he pleases with relative impunity whereas for the dire its a big commitment. If the dire pilot doesn't play that way he will be out of the fight quicker than the jenner can "turn 360 and walk away". I'm probably the most brawling crazy, charge in guns blazing player you can get, but even I duck and cover when I get looked at and definitely when I am being shot at in an Assault. Ironically much more so in Assault mechs than any other class in the game actually. Speed is life in this game and while you can engage and disengage in a faster mech you cannot do that in a dire.
How often do you see Assault mechs last more than a few seconds out in the open? You have to be close to cover and avoid being targeted and shot at. They are forced to play the same pikaboo game. It may be just a scarecrow now, but a few seconds later it is a bunch of LRMs and the attention of every enemy mech within range trying to size the opportunity to sink the pinata Titatic that was crazy enough to get out of cover, and by and then i'ts too late to back out.
Lets take the current Atlas story as an Example. Currently its a water balloon waiting to be popped. In the PTS it got 50+ more structure. WOW everyone thought! But in reality, its not just that being able to take 50 more points of damage is not enough to overcome the current style of meta for an Atlas, but it went to the wrong place.
An Atlas doesn't need 50 more structure points so they can walk around without weapons for a bit longer,
they need DOUBLE the Armour AND 50+ structure. Yes so if it has 110 points now, it needs 220. This way at least they have a shot at dishing out some damage during a push and soaking up a bit more attention zombing around before they go down with the structure buff . I know it sounds extreme because people will say I already do well in my Atalas etc but theres always that guy that does well in his Awesomes ever since they have been out, so following that logic they never needed any buffs, right?
Honestly I would love to see An Atlas just leading the charge over hills in almost every match I play. It would totally shake up the playstyle and just be a riot as everyone follows after it. Other Assault mechs should get tougher too to a lesser extent.
Once the new sensor quirks come in Assault mechs are going to have **** sensors, which means that this whole cowardess problem is going to be exaggerated even further. People think sensors are not going to have an influce, but it will have a huge influence just in the wrong direction.
Enemy mechs pikabooing wont even show up on your hud whatsoever your going to have to rely on visuals only when piloting over half the mechs in the game. This is going to make the whole cowardess gamestyle even more so pronounced, because heck people will think I can avoid detection
entirely if I only expose myself for 3 seconds at a time so even more people are gonna be popping out of cover and popping right back in. More so than now if thats even possible.
Can you imagine being out in the open after the new rebabalnce comes out in any kind of brawling oriented, or non laser vomit setup and mentality? I tell you if you think its hard now then i'ts going to be even harder as you will be shot from random locations without anything ever coming up on your radar using at least half of the mechs in the game, and if you have an ammo based build you will be wasting ammo trying to land a hit from where you think the shots are coming from, whereas with lasers you will be able to wave the magic wand and do a "are you there check" .The only mechs with good sensors will be the fast light ones that dont need it in the first place because they would not be brawling type mechs out in the open.
The game is being pushed entirely in the wrong direction af far as Cowardess gameplay, laser vomit mechs, and, pikaboo playstyle is concerned.
Edited by l33tworks, 25 September 2015 - 04:28 AM.