CaptRosha, on 25 September 2015 - 12:04 PM, said:
Gotcha and follow what you are saying. I can agree with that and that we need a ranking system.
The way the current PSR seems to be calculated though, may still end up more like an exp base than a rank though because as long as you keep performing ok, with some good ones thrown in, you WILL advance.
I mentioned this in a previous post earlier in the thread:
I think a better way to keep PSR fluctuating and more like a Rank, is to just take the average PSR score of your most recent X number of matches. However, the issue may then become one where players purposefully tank some games to lower their current PSR and with it using a smaller sample size than your lifetime matches, then that player can tank it faster and raise it faster. They could combat that by only allowing a tier reduction of 1 (from the max tier you ever obtained) so that a T1 player could only ever drop to 2 and a 2 to a 3 and so on.
Take W/L out of the equation and instead, determine your Tiers based on PSR scores...say Tier 1 players must maintain an average PSR of X else they drop to T2 and so on. Every match has a greater chance to affect your Average PSR if you use a smaller sample size and one that is constantly updated based on most recent games.
Seen as you really can't go down (or really stay even) on a win, and it's really hard to go up or even stay even on a loss...
Seen as you also seem to gain more PSR on a win than on several losses...
Yes. It is going to probably fill in more like an Exp meter, and as people have stated it will be more likely that more and more players will be Tier 1, rather their actual skill are or not.
As it is, I'm finding the system very easy to manipulate, and I'm not even trying to do it. If I play X mech, my PSR tends to go up. If I switch to Y mech, it probably will go down. Right now, I can adjust my PSR between Tier 3 and Tier 4 at just about any given moment on a whim. (Not saying I am, just that I can.) I also have full confidence that I could even, through such manipulations, even get up to Tier 2 if not Tier 1 if given enough time playing with X mech. Even though I don't believe for a moment I'm Tier 1 worthy skill level or material. At best, I gauge myself as upper Tier 3, maybe lower Tier 2 if I really pushed myself in a "normal" manner. I started off with a very high Tier 4 rank, almost Tier 3... (Sadly, with this statement, I don't see anyway to avoid players being able to game their tier rank if they wanted to. I can't think of any stop gap or rule that could prevent this abuse if someone wished it.)
PSR I believe should be a score system over all matches played, not just the last X matches. But I don't mean as taking from an average match score across all matches, but as a score that is earned and can move up and down based on each individual match (like how it is currently). For an example:
Each tier has a score value it is assigned. If you are within those values, you are that tier.
Each player accumulates and loses points based on their performance.
If a player does poorly, over time they will lose enough PSR to drop a rank. Same in reverse.
However, to calculate this PSR number, I think wins and losses need to be removed. It should be based on individual match scores. As a loose example:
- Score 100 points or less, PSR drops dramatically.
- Score 150 points (or some other lower than average consideration), PSR drops slightly.
- Score 200-250 points, no change. (Or what is considered an "average" match score.)
- Score 251-300, a slight positive PSR increase.
- Score 301+, a larger PSR change.
Then, win or lose, players will drop if they preform poorly for too long, stay the same if they are "average" for the match, or improve if they did good or exceptional in many matches. Thus, if you are in the tier you basically belong in, you end up preforming more average match scores to remain in that tier. (And, between the occasional good matches being balanced by the occasional bad matches, it should remain within the tier bracket if their overall skill isn't improving.)
PSR should require no "sample size", and instead should be a score that is continually added and subtracted to with each consequential match. Pure number of matches should get you no extra benefit, as once you hit your skill level (for that moment at least), your match scores should average out overall, leaving you with very minor changes to no changes. (Recall that, in theory of course, as you progress up in tiers, your competition and game play should become more challenging. This should lead to a harder time to maintain an "average" match score if your actual skills are not up to that tiers challenge.)
(For PSR to accurately work as well, Match Score probably would need to be revamped to reward other actions besides just damage related activities. Such as base capturing on those mission objective modes, scouting, ECCM, Spotting, etc. Right now, none damage related skills don't really add up for me. I think if you get most all of the non-damage related actions done, it equals around 100 match score. Where as damage (which I admit is important) can (in theory) give you gains of over a 1,000 to your match score.)
I'd just like to add one final statement. Your Tier should be just an indicator of your game play style and skill level. Should not have any negative intonations based on your Tier. (AKA: Tier 5 are not "the steering wheel under hive". More than likely, they are the "party brigade" who are just out to have fun in their game, and they don't care who happens to wear the lamp shade at their party.

) Tiers just represent a different level of game play, as much as it should represent level of player skill. Low tier doesn't always mean low skill exactly (just maybe a more fun play style and less "optimized" mechs). (There is probably a reason I started in upper Tier 4... I like mech experimentation, and I've been working on leveling new mechs for a while now.)
Random Carnage, on 25 September 2015 - 06:56 PM, said:
Reading these posts I just shake my head.
A little knowledge really is a dangerous thing.
Live it up while you still know everything.
But...I do know everything. Just ask me, I'll tell you.
(No he don't. Don't believe a word this guy says.)
(Quite you. I'm not talking to you.)
(I'm yourself... You're showing your crazy again...)
Edited by Tesunie, 25 September 2015 - 08:32 PM.