If you want to promote teamplay, you have to carrot people into playing as a team. Since you cant actively monitor everyone to dangle the carrot in their face at the right moments and in the right situations....you need to create a system that allows a player, or any player, to dangle the carrot in their teammates face.
Were strangers. No one cares about any one else or what you do, until what you do makes my life in a match harder. Were pragmatic and selfish. Were human. Until you mess up, which causes me stress (wandering off alone, suiciding, blocking lanes, shooting each other in the back) I dont even know you exist, nor does anyone else. Were not friends, were strangers dropped into a server together (group queue is obviously entirely excluded from this, which is why its insane they thought Group and CW should have anything to do with PSR in pugs, or pug PSR in the other modes...sigh).
What you need to do is with that B screen no one ever uses, and those commander slots no one ever uses for any reason other than trolling people, allow people to drop objectives that reward you. Substantially enough that youll actually do them if its not CLEARLY the wrong thing to do (putting a move order in the corner of Mordor will not convince me to go to it, even for 200 GXP).
THEN you have a group of people that will actively vye for the chance to be the dude giving rewards, and want the guy who gives the best rewards, and actually interact with these strangers. You have to if you want to get something for yourself. Thats simple human nature. (take Battlefield 4s commander mode, or any commander mode ever. No one uses it. Theres no reward feedback loop. Its boring, people bail. People played it to unlock the stuff you get from doing it, then never messed with it again. You have to reward people constantly for doing the thing you want them to do in a game. Because games are fun. And being rewarded is fun.)
This is why VOIP changed absolutely nothing, and people said that, long before we got it.
No one does anything in this would purely for altruism but saints and nuns. People are pragmatic. If it doesnt benefit you, you wont do it. If you dont make team play beneficial to me, I wont do it.
So you have two options. The carrot. Or the stick.
Paul thinks the velvet stick, is the right approach. He is wrong about this, as he is about most things. If you put punish people for not doing what you want them to do, and just casually show them a vague path to what you want them to do, people will just hate you. They wont just follow the path willingly and with thanks for showing it to them. Theyll just be mad, and forcibly goaded down the path.
If you want to promote teamplay, you have to actually promote teamplay. You cant just say "I want you guys to team play" and expect people to do that, out of the kindness of their hearts. Theyll do what works, and what brings them the most enjoyment. If those two things arent the same thing, theyre going to bail.
Its ridiculous to expect a bunch of people who dont know each other to cooperate. When has that ever worked?
And until they figure this out, figure out that all "buckets" are not created equal, and that you cant match people based on how the cooperation with strangers went, we'll never have balanced matches. The best you can hope for is that the gods saw fit to bestow upon you a great match every few play sessions.
Edited by Kraftwerkedup, 27 September 2015 - 12:32 PM.