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Flaw In Paul's Psr Thinking

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#41 WhiteRabbit


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Posted 27 September 2015 - 03:50 PM

View Postkf envy, on 27 September 2015 - 02:19 PM, said:

using team work and supporting my team with out using god teir meta builds is what got me in T4. so im calling pauls BS

yeah...it kinda seems psr is mostly based on win/loss and raw damage numbers. Could be better if it looked at effective damage instead (i.e. shooting the important parts of a mech...not stripping the shield arm of every munchkin you see and ending up with a pretty worthless 1k damage game)

#42 lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol


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Posted 27 September 2015 - 07:37 PM

Oh this is going to go over SO well when this game hits Steam. Teamwork, eh? The only teamwork you can get out of the majority of players is rotate counter-clockwise around the center of the map, and even then it's a Pavlovian response.

I'm calling it now... I'll be on vacation from this game and the forums for a few months when Stean happens. Hopefully the CSR's at PGI have penciled in those days for vacation ahead of time, too. Think things are toxic now... it'll be radioactive then. May as well photoshop the PGI emblem over a biohazard symbol and have it as a cautionary "Click ok to proceed into MW:O forums." I doubt PGI will be prepared ahead of time to have the staff to investigate and respond to the flood of forum threads or support emails the day Steam arrives, let alone "he said/she said" accusations of trolling or violations of CoC's.

But hey, at least the Light mech queue will be up. So there's a positive.

#43 Ted Wayz


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Posted 27 September 2015 - 08:59 PM

I predict the Steam release will be a combo of curious people saying, "Wtf, why am I getting farmed and why will no one answer my questions" and skilled team fortress type players saying, "Wtf, why is no one on comms and using teamwork?".

But hey they could be in T4 a very short or very long time.

#44 Reptilizer


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Posted 28 September 2015 - 02:06 AM

View PostTed Wayz, on 27 September 2015 - 07:34 AM, said:

So Paul states that Tier 4/5 is full of players who haven't learned teamwork. And that by learning teamwork they will be able to pull themselves out depths of PSR hell.

First, I don't necessarily agree. It seems most of the players that say they are in T4 also mention that they like to play a variety of mechs or play non-optimized builds. But that isn't my main point.

If this game rewards teamwork and teamwork is the behaviour you want to promote, why would you place new players in T4? Wouldn't you want to place them in the tier where teamwork is the norm not the exception? Wouldn't you want them observing what you think are the "right" behaviours from the start?

View PostKraftwerkedup, on 27 September 2015 - 10:23 AM, said:

And let me just address "its a team game"

It is not a team Paul.

It is a random collection of strangers. If these random people I drop into the game with and I are a "team" then everyone who is in line with me at the super market, or in traffic with me, or riding the bus together, are a "team".

They are not.

Teams require team building (I know you know this, because you work in an office, where you have to team build). Teams require trust. Knowledge of each other.

You cant get that in the 15 seconds before you drop into a match, no matter how much you hamfist this idea that this game is about "team play" and the way the team does, the way the TOTAL STRANGERS play the game, has any bearing on you as an individual.

Youve been shoving this same idea down the players throats for 3 years, and it still doesnt work.

Hire a game designer who knows what hes doing. Youre so bad at this that everyone is relieved all youre doing for HBS's battletech game is the art work. Youre the David Shula of video games.

Have been returning to the game after some months off and, as my KD is abysmal (0.9), i was seeded in tier 4.
I have a couple of thousand games total under my belt though, all solo drops (not counting some CW events).
So: Been there, done that...

First thing is, i noticed a massive drop in overall game quality playing in "my tier". Games are usually stomps one way or another. While i find easy prey, teamwork is more or less absent. That does not mean there are only bad players around, quite the opposite: The spread between players seems much wider than i am used to. Some near 0-score guys paired with 500+ players. Turns out win/loss is often a totally random thing, 50/50 -> carry harder...

I do not see how you should be encouraged to learn teamplay though. In the end, as long as you get the best match score by solokilling stragglers/newbs you never drop (had no drop with losses and a score of 250+, so some other mechanic than absolute values seems involved). And every win gives you max. boost towards the next tier.
So actually ruthless play is rewarded, not teamplay.

As an example: While in former times it was a very viable tactic for me to spearhead a push in an atlas and die in flames for the team, now this is not rewarded at all. There is not enough coordinated play to make use of the sacrifice to secure a win (even if announced properly) and it gets you a very bad matchscore. Not giving you a rise even IF you win...

Not to complain though, i am pretty sure i can move out of the tier fast enough if i play like an egoistic ass consequently. It just is not a lot of fun though. And trying to coordinate a team is even more frustrating and has quite some impact on your personal performance -> again some punishment for the individual trying to teamplay.

Thus: PSR = fail in my opinion.

So iguess i will stay in tier 4 for a while, killing stuff with builds that are just not viable usually. Trolling the stragglers in Frankenmechs is at least fun :P

#45 VinJade


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Posted 28 September 2015 - 05:50 AM

I cringe when I think about steam release as I have a feeling the game will break down to name calling and insults. so far it is rare with the current group of people we have now.

and it will just get worse when they see how things work and how we have many lone wolf players along with how little team work there is. and I have a feeling many will start to turn off their Voip with the inclusion of steam players because it may very well start to degrade games and even more so with how piss poor the psr system is at this time.. I think Paul needs to let someone else handle this if he cannot handle it himself(which seems he cannot handle).

#46 Baba Yogi


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 04:01 AM

View PostTed Wayz, on 27 September 2015 - 01:42 PM, said:

Not quite. If you have a match score of 350-399 every match and lose every match you will go nowhere. As Paul stated you need to accumulate wins to advance.

In solo queue you do not control who you are teamed with and who you are playing against. And match maker has proven to be streaky. So who knows if you will have good matches?

it CAN be streaky as with everything being assigned to winning or losing team has same chance. You may get assigned to losing team 15 times in a row but in the long run it'll be same. MM algorithms dont do favors for anyone.

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