Lorian Sunrider, on 29 September 2015 - 09:13 AM, said:
Don't have a credit card? PayPal is here for you![color=#0F2105] ([/color]Please note that by using PayPal, you will not be in Kickstarter's system and will not receive automatic update mails or be able to comment on our Kickstarter page. However, your contribution will still go towards the campaign's total funding level with regards to meeting our various funding goals. And, if you also back us for $1 through Kickstarter, you'll be able to stay up-to-date on everything.)
I would have loved the Jacket. Just not enough free money right now.
I'm getting the jacket tier. though I've begun work on a DCMS uniform for halloween anyhow. Just need to get some custom patches made for the 9th Ghost and the Tai-i rank to go on the lapels.