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Purchase Question

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#1 Blak Army Knight


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Posted 30 September 2015 - 11:03 AM

Hi !
i would like to ask u about what to get ...i will reach the 13.5 mill Cbills and wanna get a goo Heavy ...I think the Ebon Jaguar would be the best to my style but i would like to get some advice wich Heavies are worth to get

#2 Outcast1six


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Posted 30 September 2015 - 11:58 AM


Welcome to MWO.

The large number of machines can be a little daunting. Have you tried all the trial heavies? There are a number of good machines. If you have your heart set on an Ebon, go for it. Very good heavy with lots of good options for Omni pods and weapons. Remember, though, to get the most out of you machines you need to master 3 of them. The Timberwolf and Hellbringer are good options also. On the Inner Sphere side, the Thunderbolt is a good choice, Jagermech and Grasshopper are pretty good too.

Hope this helps, just try all the trials first.

#3 Blak Army Knight


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Posted 30 September 2015 - 12:34 PM

Hi ! :) thx :) i have atm 2 Hunchbacks and i love them but my experience in game is that Ebon Jaguars , Timber Wolfs , Warhawks , Dire wolfs and King Crabs ruling the game atm ...i saw many good pilot in ebon Jaguar and many times was killed by them so i decided to get that Machine ...I dont know how omnipods working so if anyone can explain it i would appriciate ...i know what to do to elite them but for a start i need one :P ...i had a Jager 6 S but i was very bad in it ...i couldnt reach my Hunchies performance ...so i dont think i would be good with Jager ...and i tried all Trials and none of them were good to me ...i always died with 2-3 hundred dmg ..the best was th Mad dog but even that wasnt good to me enough ...

#4 Durant Carlyle


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Posted 30 September 2015 - 12:55 PM

I just recently started using the Ebon Jaguar (more of a light pilot myself) for the recent Payback event. I don't generally do well with ballistic weapons, but with the Ebon Jaguar I do pretty well ... much better than with most of my other heavies. I like the low, wide stance and it just looks cool (which is a must for me). I also like that it can have different mixes of weapons (all enrgy, ballistics/energy, missiles/energy, ballistics/missiles/energy).

OmniPods are how Clan OmniMechs are customized. When you buy a Clan OmniMech, you get a full set of that variant's OmniPods. To switch to different hardpoints, you have to buy new OmniPods (or take them from a second variant). Everything can be switched out except for the CT (head, RT, LT, RA, LA, RL, LL).

Just remember with Clan OmniMechs, you cannot change engines or internal structure type, or armor type. You can adjust armor points though.

#5 Rogue Jedi


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 12:03 AM

View PostBlak Army Knight, on 30 September 2015 - 12:34 PM, said:

...I dont know how omnipods working so if anyone can explain it i would appriciate

Omnipods contain the Mechs hardpoints, so if your Mech has 2 energy hardpoints in the right arm, and there is another variant with 2 missiles in the right arm you can get the omnipod from that version to swap your lasers for missiles.

each OmniMech (at current all Clan Mechs and no IS Mechs are omnimechs) has 7 omnipods, (the legs, the arms, the side torsos, the head) and the Center Torso which cannot be changed, and is what decides which variant you have.

common advise is to have a look at all variants on http://mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab and decide which has the best set of hardpoints, then if required buy 1-2 pods to allow you to set the Mech up the way you want it, when you buy the next provided you were not relying on a CT hardpoint which the second variant does not have you can make the exact same build if you want.

#6 John1352


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 08:02 AM

Something to consider is the height of the hardpoints, Ebon Jaguar has fairly high ones, the Jagermech (which you said you didn't like) has some of the highest in the game. These mechs should be used with only the top part of the mech exposed, where it is practical. Hunchback has high hardpoints (head, hunch) and low ones (arms).

I doubt you'll be disappointed with the EBJ, you can swap the omnipods like the guys above me said and use any weapons you like. It does have a large center torso though, so take that into consideration.

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