4 PPC at 60m was put out a reduced dmg (nose to nose was zero)...
the Ghost heat and the damg Cap at 90m (min range)... in Tabletop the min Range exist to but it have a chance to deal dmg... lv 3 rules say you can switch off the Fieldinhibitor to use the full dmg without min Range but with a chance to broke the weapon in an explosion that put a lot of dmg to the structure ( i.m.o. 10 dmg)....
Jump sniping (i.m.o. the only one thing to beat a clanner 1 vs 1) is sladghammered by pgis nervhammer... (i have up to 20 mechs they are useless

AC 20 equal as a nice bowling day... and srm without Artemis is a closed range weapon with effektiv range till 100m (the spread at 270m is a joke)
PGIs nervhammer kicks all...
the big Failure was try to take some BT TT originals and hold it (IS XL is a glory suicide for a lot of usefull mechs)
PGI dont listen on every gamer...
in the german comunity we try to gain a Battlevalue for the Matchmaker...
Tonnage dosnt give an overwiev of the Mechs Force in Firerpower, heat degredation capacity and movement...
there is a reason that the Tabletopgames are limited by the battlevalue not the tonnage... (stock nova 2400+ BV MAR 5D 1500 BV...

i think thats the better way to have fun in this game...
(sry com... Im affraid my english is a bit rusty)... so als Deutscher mit wenig kontakt zur englischen Comm ist es echt schwer
have a nice day
Edited by 1Urza1, 02 October 2015 - 06:09 AM.