1. The Black Kniggit must have a great sword--you shall have two. If one arm falls, use the other one. 'Tis but a scratch, anyway. It is encouraged to yell when attacking.
2. The Black Kniggit must be imposing--which means durable but slow--so no XL engine. You are here to fight, not to run away. None shall pass!
3. The Black Kniggit should always focus in the front. Back armor is for the meek. No need for arm or leg armor cause everyone will be shooting at your chest.
4. Should the Black Kniggit finds himself bereft of multiple limbs, then he shall attempt to bite the enemy's legs off--using your Medium Laser. Under no circumstances, the lack of limb armor will contribute to this.
5. The Black Kniggit always triumphs--except in some cases the fight could end in a draw, but the end game screen might bug and show "Defeat" instead.

Edited by El Bandito, 02 October 2015 - 04:28 AM.