Id like to propose a customisable Hangar. Each of the following things could be sold separately, im wishing for lower prices. The basic module could be 15$, then everything else between 5$ to a few hundreds MC's like pattern/colours/texture.
-The "module" would be sold bare with only walking around your mech and When waiting to drop you could be sitting in your cockpit, be able to change weapon group and chat with your friends! while looking inside your hangar.. This would be 15$.
-An elevator with a console with the "mech select screen" would bring you your mech you want to look at and drop with. This would replace instantaneous switching of mech on the pad in the base module. 10$
-Texture could replace walls floor etc. This is the one that could cost MC's like 500.
-You could have a Visitor pad where when you form a group they appear in your hangar. 5$
-You would have a drop animation like in the trailer from 2012 where you are inside the ships with the warning light and siren and kickass music for private/ match while you flick the buttons. You could now have private match without premium time and a visitor could drop with you without needing the module or premium time either. MAN i would love that sight when i drop, one of my hunchback(or any mech) on the side. This would come free with visitor pad.
-You could have the return of the 4 favourite mech people still want from back in the days. They would be on the ground on their pad. 5$
-You could see your deck of CW on the wall, like the hunchy in the trailer on harness. Walking up to it would let us access CW.
Make my gaming richer than clicking join, i beg you.
What do you propose?
Edited by DAYLEET, 03 October 2015 - 05:02 PM.