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Ok, So Here's One You Can Vent As Much Spleen As You Like: What Do You Think Is The Coolest Looking Mech Concept Art In Mwo...and The Ugliest?

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#1 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 09:35 PM

And feel free to rate the in game models for extra credit.

For faves...it's tough. Alex has made a LOT of win. Hunchback. Awesome. Atlas. K2. Mad Dog. Urbanmech. Warhammer. Zeus. The list goes on...and on and on.

But my single fave redesign? Probably the Founder's Hunchback. Took a hideously stupid looking TT design, made it look amazing and unique...yet captured all the stylistic elements of the TRO without it sucking. Really close second to the Zeus.... which would probably be tops, but the original design was actually pretty good, so it was not as much of a miracle that Alex made it look amazing.

For ugliest? Well, despite his skill, there are some he either just had the deck stacked against him (Kintaro) or simply didn't hit a homerun (happens to all artists). But the choices for me is as obvious as it will be butthurt unpopular.

The Samus Metroid Special. Big Robot 6. Otherwise known as the Arctic Cheetah. With it's spaceman helmet and rounded doughboy limbs it simply does not fit in with any other design in the entire game. Mind you, the source design was god awful, too, but I loathe pretty much everything about the Arctic Cheetah....and that doesn't even touch it's in game performance (ezmode much?).

As for ingame models..... the old, pre limp PPC K2, of course. Symmetrical chicken walker perfection. (Shadowcat is an example where i think the model surpassed the art, btw).

Least favorite in game model..still no surprise. Arctic Cheeto.

So, please, vent your spleen, either about the designs, or my choices here.

The internet was meant for negativity.

#2 Sarlic


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 09:41 PM

I still really rocking the Atlas design. Good stuff. Always my favorite. But i find Centurions (although they're scaled too big for a medium) looks really good. I like the look of it. If it would rescaled like the Nova then it would even look cooler.

The worst one i must say that would the Quickdraw. That one is very ugly. Everything is ugly on that thing and the ingame model is even worse.

Next sweet mechdesign on the list would be a Locust. For obvious reason: agressive look, small light and a good design.

Just got into Orions and i like their look funny enough as well. It's different.

Edited by Sarlic, 03 October 2015 - 09:42 PM.

#3 Aggravated Assault Mech


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 09:53 PM

Concept art?

Best is the Panther or Highlander. I think the Panther is just the best interpretation of source material to date- taking are sort of boring looking mech and making it look pretty damn sexy. The Highlander concept art just had oodles of personality.

Worst is easily the Battlemaster. I love the mech for its capabilities, but the art just floats on this ****** middleground of not really looking like the original, nor the reseen. It just looks like a generic robot with none of the stylistic queues that make me think "Battlemaster".

#4 Sigilum Sanctum


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 09:53 PM

The Atlas. Alex's is by far the best rendition I've ever seen. I yearn for the day that the Atlas becomes relevant again, to utter the phrase in genuine fear again:

"Oh ****! An Atlas!"

Ugliest? Trebuchet. Looks like something that belong in a Renaissance fair or some ****.

Edited by Sigilum Sanctum, 03 October 2015 - 09:54 PM.

#5 El Bandito


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 09:57 PM

From concept arts...

I like Jagermech the most.

I dislike Wolverine the most.

And Urbanmech one failed since I was hoping it to be its chubby self. Something closer to this.

Posted Image

Edited by El Bandito, 03 October 2015 - 09:59 PM.

#6 EX S


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Posted 04 October 2015 - 12:19 AM

My personal favorites are the Flea, Crab, Ebon Jaguar, Urbanmech, Flea, Griffin, Locust, and Zeus.

I also like the Flea.

The ones I do not like are the Wolverine and Quickdraw.

#7 ibex230


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Posted 04 October 2015 - 12:22 AM

Anyone claiming anything other than Atlas being the coolest is a twink beta male. B)

Any other mech pales in comparison to this 100t skeletor faced slam jammer.

#8 KuroNyra


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Posted 04 October 2015 - 01:32 AM

The best he made? I think that would be the Centurion.
Also, the Timber Wolf once you are used to the new visual is pretty nice.

#9 Brody319


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Posted 04 October 2015 - 01:39 AM

Winner? Executioner - Compared to the original the art for the modern executioner is beautiful and fantastic, it almost sold the clan wave 3 package to my itself.

Ugliest? Firemoth - I don't know when, I don't care how, There is no way anyone could make this hideous abomination look good. If it is cheating because it isn't out yet, I am cheating. All I know is, it shall be an impossible task to make this thing look decent.

#10 SgtMagor


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Posted 04 October 2015 - 02:48 AM

I dont like the Death head on the Atlas, doesnt look anything like the Classic Atlas. Posted Image

#11 Juodas Varnas


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Posted 04 October 2015 - 02:52 AM

Best concept? Might be the Centurion. Shame the model doesn't do it justice.
Same thing with the Quickdraw.
Worst concept? I don't know... Banshee?

Worst transition from concept to model - Quickdraw (easily the worst hackjob, the modeling team has done)
Best transition from concept to model - Orion (looks better in-game than in the concept art)

#12 Speedy Plysitkos


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Posted 04 October 2015 - 03:12 AM

best looking:

1) atlas - this is pure perfection
2) urbanmech
3) crab

worst looking (only my opinion)
1) DWF + TBR
2) KGC
3) warhamer (sry its only box with 2 tubes instead of arms)

#13 zagibu


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Posted 04 October 2015 - 03:18 AM

I don't dislike a single concept he has done. I think they are all great, and wouldn't know how to improve any of them.

I don't like the overall look of certain mechs (e.g. I can agree that the ACH looks like a Metroid battlesuit), but really, considering the source material, it is a fantastic redesign.

#14 TheCharlatan


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Posted 04 October 2015 - 03:31 AM

Best Concept art: Marauder. Just looks awesome. Instant buy.
Best model: Catapult (it's too big and has lots of weapon model problems... but it's sooooo sexy!)

Worst concept art AND model: Ice Fridge Ferret. That thing is just horrible. It's no-one fault to be honest: it was horrible in the TRO too. There's a limit to Alex's magic.

#15 VirtualSmitty


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Posted 04 October 2015 - 04:13 AM

Best in my option is the King Crab. The original artwork wasn't great in my opinion, Alex did wonders with it and it translated nicely into the game. Worst for me is the Victor, it's a bit too chesty.

#16 Cyborne Elemental


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Posted 04 October 2015 - 04:24 AM

Coolest artwork wise..
Tossup between the QuickDraw and the Centurion.
Art was great.

But their ingame 3d models, 180 degrees of ugly :D



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Posted 04 October 2015 - 05:05 AM

For me, the Orion is the best concept art. I like the game model too (I am still in love with my Orions lol :wub:).

Second is the Victor. I think, Alex likes the Victor.

p.s. I really liked the stories :)

Edited by TrapJaw80, 04 October 2015 - 05:07 AM.

#18 HollowBassman


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Posted 04 October 2015 - 06:30 AM

Favorite concept: Zeus

Favorite model: Shadowhawk

I think all of the concept art looks amazing considering the designs he had to work with. The ugly ones were going to be ugly no matter what. I was a little disappointed with the Highlander, though.

The translation from concept art to in-game model is a different story.

In my opinion, the Shadowhawk, Banshee, and Awesome look better in game than concept art.

The Zeus, Victor, Enforcer, and Centurion were either stretched or squished until they no longer look right.
The Victor and Centurion are too wide.
The Enforcer's head is like a fun house mirror version of the concept.
The Zeus looks like it ran into a wall and its torso remained flattened afterward. It needs that little gut that the concept art has to keep the cockpit more horizontal instead of the near vertical one it has in-game.

Then you have situations like the Jagermech, Catapult, and Trebuchet that looked great in-game until they decided that appearance wasn't important and used as minimal effort as possible to create the dynamic geometry. The Trebuchets' arms are not even the same height or the same distance out from center! Its as if they intentionally wanted to make it look goofy.

#19 Queen of England


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Posted 04 October 2015 - 06:44 AM

My favorite concept art is the special geo Crab. The Crab is my favorite TT medium, but I was going to wait for the c-bill release anyway until the special geo concept art was released.

Least favorite concept art is a little tricky. Maybe the Enforcer? The head looks weird and squashed compared to the in-game model.

#20 CDLord HHGD


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Posted 04 October 2015 - 06:49 AM

I have the artistic talent of a salted slug. When compared to the original TRO artwork, I don't think there's been an instance when Alex hasn't hit a homerun.

Same goes for PGI's in-game models too. Forgiving things like clipping that were reported and fixed. There isn't a mech they've put out that I do not find aesthetically appealing.

Maybe that's why I am now over $2k spent here.

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