ZenFool, on 05 October 2015 - 10:23 PM, said:
When I look at it from the standpoint of a new player a couple of things jump out at me.
1. There are many different weapon choices and I want to try them all!!!! Of course, right now you only have two real choices, ppfld or laze. Which means that the new player gets slaughtered a lot. Not a whole lot of fun.
2. There are many different mechs! See above... A few mechs in each weight class simply outperform everything else. A new player could drop a few weeks worth of play in cbills to buy that cool sounding trio of Kintaro/Shadowcat/Locusts/Quickdraw/Awesome/Executioner mechs only to find that due to odd hardpoints, placement, or fixed equipment their mech is crud. Again, slaughter, no fun. We know, from long experience, that this might change next week, but they don't nor will they stick around that long.
3. CW... It is literally the first thing my friends ask about when I introduce them to the game. So, I have to tell them to avoid it while they are still running trials. Then I have to tell them that the map is pointless fluff. Then I have to tell them to try to join some third party group or TS to have any chance. Instead they hit big flashy button, join a game, get slaughtered, no fun.
4. So, any time a new player tries something different they get killed. They could spend hours watching vid and join a unit, but most don't want to invest that kind of time if they aren't having fun. What do they do? They ask me to play with them and show them the ropes. That's when I have to tell them that us joining the group Q is a big bad no no. They only thought they were getting slaughtered before...
In the end, its hard to talk up a game that has such huge balance issues while offering so little in the way of story and immersion. The only thing that makes this franchise stand out from CoD/etc. is the rich world in which it is set. CW was supposed to immerse us in this world, but it became Skirmish with Respawn. You might pull a few people in with a simple ready button, but they won't stay. They'll play for a week or so, see the weird issues, and move on.
PGI has the data, so you'd like to think they know what holds player attention or gets people to spend money, but I think they've relied too much on metrics and not enough on basic gameplay design. They might pull in a steady income, but I think they would have gotten that regardless. There are many of us who are real fans of the franchise and would pay them for any product they put out, regardless of quality. We grumble, we complain, but we still pay.
I don't think the Steam population will be so forgiving.
Have you seen the Steam main page lately? Its a wall of trash lol. It cant be a secret they are making 100's of games with no content that players are almost forced to buy for entertainment. The alternatives are another subject entirely.
How anyone can think Steam players are unforgiving with that situation going on for years is beyond me.
If it wasnt for Fallout 4 coming out it would be like a brick wall. The gaming industry is a literally a brick wall these days.
Online games? A clone fest. Copy past for the most part.
Games selling their whares but in eternal development and never finished? Countless...
This situation is literally one for the history books and Im not kidding.
Anyway, thats the market these days. What this game needs before Steam release or what it needs to be half done are two entirely different discussions.
Either way Mechwarrior is entertaining enough to start. Which brings me to my point. As long as the alternatives are not so good its fine.... Players will keep playing hoping for great updates and expansions. Soon as something better comes along then poof everyone is gone. Luckily that doesnt look probable at the moment.
Even Fallout 4 which I have been saying will be great could be garbage. Others have said to me that they are holding off getting it or getting to excited because so many games have been a let down. Me? I am an optimist against all odds and prefer to think things are going to be good unless otherwise proven.
Back to Mechwarrior Online. The next few months will be very interesting most likely. If not, oh well.
I should add. Even Fallout 4, which is as solid as it gets these days, is being sold for pre order on the Steam main page. Very likely its because Steam over all income is in free fall and they need a title that will bring in money. Or the rest of the main page is garbage to hike Fallout 4 sales?

Or a little of both?

Fallout 4 being for preorder rather than actual sale being the key here.
Edited by Johnny Z, 06 October 2015 - 03:20 AM.