MischiefSC, on 09 October 2015 - 02:49 PM, said:
I get what you're saying and to a degree I agree with you. However the Tier system is easy to game and is *not* representative directly of performance so I'm twitchy about letting it become a gauge for what someone does and doesn't know about the game.
I think we have to agree that getting to Tier 1 establishes that you have more than basic understanding of how the game works and how to play it.
For example someone in my unit pretty much plays exclusively in group queue and CW, but he plays with mostly random groups and levels mechs there so he's like T4 or T5 even though for performance he's more like a T3 to T2. Conversely there are some people who play terrible - killstealing, camping, sandbagging in the back and waiting for the end of the match to rush up and who regularly run off and hide/power down when the match doesn't look like it's going well. Their KDR is great - they are terrible players.
I have someone similar in my unit, they play well and typically perform great, but ended up being Tier 5 somehow, and we both agree, KDR doesn't really doesn't give the whole story about performance.
All niche stuff to be sure. Also how good someone plays individually isn't the same as their knowing how the game works and what works and what doesn't. That stuff gets played out most effectively in competitive play - at the top tiers in tournaments skill levels between players are so close that it magnifies the relevance of differences in equipment performance. It's the only way to consistently and effectively balance the player skill part of the equation and get a better, cleaner look at performance telemetry of mechs/weapons/etc.
I'd argue that the public queues are in fact the most basic form of competitive play though. If you can be successful there, as long as your not a flaming douche bag or intentionally ignorant, it wouldn't take that much to be successful in league play.
I'd be lying if I said Tier ranking wasn't in some way reflective of a players ability to win matches, kill mechs and do damage. My concern is that you can do all of those and still play very, very poorly. Is that likely? No. Not 'typical'. I just would not agree that Tier should be taken as a direct representation of skill.
We agree, it shouldn't be taken as the sole representation of skill, it more or less can be an initial starting point, something we can use as part of what we use to judge what someone says.
I will say however that it's more difficult to game the system "upward" than it is to game it "downward". To game "upward" you have to not lose, and not lose big, most of the time, and win at least enough to get a positive bump, most of the time.
Doing well 'intentionally' is actually a lot harder than doing badly intentionally.
pwnface, on 09 October 2015 - 02:56 PM, said:
I guess our definitions of a "good" player probably don't match up. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Let's put it this way...
I've yet to meet a "bad" Tier 1 player.