An unofficial FWL Marik Member roll call
Posted 10 July 2012 - 01:53 PM
Name/Call sign: Darksider
Mech: Assault and Heavy, am totally willing to scout/fill out lances.
Favorite Tactics: Defensive/Fire Support/Tanking
Location/time zone: Central California/PST
Hours online: 2 to 5 hours a day depending on day
Posted 10 July 2012 - 05:13 PM
Mech Tweaked Awesome or Centurion 9AL
Favorite tactic: co-ordinated teamwork - Let them see what they expect to see until the truth reaches out and unloads a ton of the unexpected.
Location: TEXAS
Time on line: varies (I'm retired!)
Role: Command /attack
Posted 10 July 2012 - 05:43 PM
Mech: Will change to meet the needs of the team, I tend to run Heavy assaults if im not playing around in the other classes.
Favorite tactic: Teamwork I would rather win than have the most kills.
Location: California (dont hold it against me, I'm in the military)
Time on line: arround 6PM PST to 12PST time varies on weekends
Role: Command /attack
Posted 10 July 2012 - 07:59 PM
Mech: Specialty is Mad Cat. I primarily pilot Heavies, but know how to handle an Assault or Medium if need be.
Favorite Tactics: The good old circle and fire trick.
Location/time zone: CST
Hours online: 5-10
I'm excited and ready to fight for the FWL!
Edited by mechchao999, 10 July 2012 - 08:00 PM.
Posted 11 July 2012 - 04:38 PM
Mech: Light (pref. Raven), Heavy (pref. Dragon or Black Knight), and Assault (pref. Atlas)
Favorite Tactics: Scouting and Reconnaissance (Light) / Skirmishing, High-Mobility Sniping and Direct Fire Support (Heavy) / Direct Fire Support, Holding Defensive Line, and Holding Line-of-Battle (Assault)
Location/Time Zone: Pennsylvania, Eastern Time
Hours Online: Variable (subject to change on employment and/or start of classes in late Aug.)
I am currently teamed up with a few other FWLers in the Silent Foxes Company, which at present consists of an Extended Lance and is recruiting and extending invites to add reserve pilots to our primary Lance or to add a second Lance to maintain at least a full Lance strength at all times.
Edited by Ilithi Dragon, 11 July 2012 - 04:40 PM.
Posted 11 July 2012 - 05:05 PM
Mech: Med. is my style (Crab) but will fill need with my founders mechs
Favorite Tactics: Flanking/Fire Support (make them turn around to face me while our fire support nails'em in the rear)
Location/time zone: North Georga/ EST
Hours online: When wife at work and baby asleep (5-10 hours TTL a week)
I catch major wife agro so cant do scheduled ops. If i am on, im on. If not....
Edited by MC Hammer, 11 July 2012 - 05:06 PM.
Posted 11 July 2012 - 05:25 PM
Mech: Undecided pending further choices; currently will likely switch it up between CPLT K2 with a large engine and Raven. I like mechs with decent firepower that are equipped to go decently fast, and I prefer something on the mid-heavy side, but since lights are often in demand...
Favorite Tactic: Close in fast and brawl, but I'm not ultra-specialist; I like to have at least a bit of hitting power out to midrange for the early skirmishes in a battle or softening people up. With light mechs, I'll often ambush with hit and run tactics. If times call for it, I also like running fire support.
Timezone: EST/EDT
Time Online: 2-6 hours per day, depending on the day, 4-5 days/week (chaotic due to often-shifting school requirements week to week)
Running with Silent Foxes company; looking forward to seeing the FWL shape up.
Edited by Catamount, 11 July 2012 - 05:28 PM.
Posted 12 July 2012 - 12:29 AM
Mech: I prefer medium to heavy classes as I like to move relatively quickly but still pack a punch.
Favorite Tactic: Soften up at a distance (maybe a catapult/gauss rifles), then going in close to finish.
Timezone: EST
Time Online: 2-4 hours per day, also depending on the day. Sadly, I won't be available for the release date as I'm going to BCT.
Happy to join this House. Happy hunting.
Posted 12 July 2012 - 04:29 AM
Mech: Primary = Heavy; Secondary = Assault or Medium.
Favorite Tactics: Depends on mission, terrain, etc
Location/time zone: Atlantic Canada (GMT-3 or 4)
Hours online: Weekend evenings.
Looking to join up with Stewart Dragoons or Regulan Hussars Regiment.
Edited by SHVAK, 12 July 2012 - 04:30 AM.
Posted 12 July 2012 - 11:59 AM
Mech: Lights or Meds
Favorite Tactics: Coldstart ambushes, death from above
Location/time zone: UK, Southwest gmt
Hours online: Probabley too much?
Posted 12 July 2012 - 01:18 PM
Mech: Cat
Favorite Tactic: Team work
Timezone: EST
Posted 12 July 2012 - 02:12 PM
Mech: I refer medium mechs, but am flexibile otherwise
Favorite Tactics: Use surprise, create advantages before committing to frontal grinders
Location/time zone: Europe GMT+2
Hours online: Evenings and weekends (work, wife, life)
I hope to be on several hours a week
Posted 13 July 2012 - 01:38 AM
Mech : Awesome or Centurion
Favorite tactic: Direct Fire support, Vanguard/Spearhead actions
Location: Sydney Aust (GMT +10 I think it was)
Time on line: Varies, typically sporadically throughout the day and a few hours at a time some nights (study and other MMO commitments >.<)
Posted 13 July 2012 - 04:52 AM
Mech: I prefer heavy, and mediums, but will use any class. My mechs of choice would be a guillotine, tempest, awesome, or wraith. Depending on the mission. Heck, I just love Marik mechs.
Favorite Tactics: flanker, assault, ambush
Location/Time zone: Eastern time zone
Hours online: Many, I am so darn excited.
Posted 13 July 2012 - 07:44 AM
Mech: Lights,Medium, Exo-suit????
Favorite Tactics: Realism** Unit Experience
Location/time zone: USA East
Hours online: 24/7
Edited by John Henry, 13 July 2012 - 07:46 AM.
Posted 13 July 2012 - 09:59 AM
Preferred Mech Types: Lights, Mediums,
Favorite Tactics: Scout/Long Ranged Support
Location/Time Zone: MN (USA/Central/GMT -6)
Hours online: Mostly weekends, at any time (late nights/evenings/mornings most often)
Time to show the Sphere what being Free really means!
Posted 13 July 2012 - 10:04 AM
Mech......Assult but confortable in all roles
Online...early morning and afterwork
Posted 13 July 2012 - 10:16 AM
Mech: Assault
Favorite Tactics: Tank, Brawler
Location/time zone: PST
Hours online: 2 to 5 hours, usually before 2 p.m PST
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