Bloody, on 13 October 2015 - 02:42 PM, said:
according to your canon and lore, the Wolf Dragoons mechs especially Zeta company were all in clan tech, Kerenskys Marauder was all clan tech and later became the Bounty Hunters, and her Warhammer was also in clan tech. Almost every lore storied hero in game upgraded their machine to clan tech when given the chance with the exception of Hohiro Kurita.
Unless they retconned all that since 2000, your lore is very off.
The Dragoons, according to Lore, realized on early periphery scouting how updated even their SLDF tech was that was norm for second liners and freeborn, of which most of the Dragoons were comprised. They left it and their Warships hidden deep periphery (see the novel Wolf Pack), and entered the IS with a reasonable facsimile of Succession War tech, but even then made a few mistakes with having their bringing Annihilators and such. I have never seen ANY mention of Kerensky piloting a Clan Tech Marauder, nor her Warhammer (specs given in both the Black Widow Company and Battalion supplements), at least until the late 3030s in the Black Widow Battalion days.
Yes, the Wolve's eventually upgraded their gear to Clan Tech, though even by 3050 it was not universal for them, and only Victor Davion and Hohiro Kurita initially had Clan Tech, both awarded Daishi by the Dragoons (Blood of Kerensky Trilogy).
Kell Hounds first battalion had been field refit with it, which means no clan Endo, etc, by the battle of Luthien.
Throughout the 3050s, most units that tried to use Clan Tech found it was impossible to maintain. Most Merc Units were still using 3025 tech in the mid 3050s, actually. So the Clan Tech kept breakign down, and they often sold it to the great houses, who themselves did not start fielding it in any quantity til AFTER Operation Serpent/Bulldog.
So yes, according to Lore, eventually the IS will have relative access to Clan Tech. But it's going to be a while, over all.
Not sure your point?
wanderer, on 13 October 2015 - 03:18 PM, said:
heat scale actually works great...for 3025 tech. I think, if anything, it pointed out the ridiculous power jumps in battletech canon technology.