Some feedback in no particular order (lots of good stuff came towards the end of the Town Hall):
1. Take an additional vector to work balance through making all weapons viable: Fix Flamers! Other weapons need attention, too. Mcgral had some nice feedback,
here (don't agree with all of it, but you can read that discussion in that thread).
2. Agree that the heat system needs work. Personal opinion: lower heat caps with more aggressive dissipation seems like a very sold place to start at cutting down alphas.
UNITS THAT SWITCH FACTIONS SHOULD LOSE TAGS ON PLANETS! I'm sorry for the all-caps here, but that NEEDS to happen . . . especially as rewards start to be given for owning planets. It allows super-units to terribly game the system if not in place. Why would a faction give rewards to someone who turned away from them?
4. Look forward to seeing Phase 3 unfold. Overall it sounds pretty awesome. First quarter of 2016 is not a bad timeline, either.
5. Body part mods, sound packs, voice packs, decals, etc. all sound like great things. More options for solid monetization in MWO via microtransactions are never a bad thing.
6. Although "The Plan" really doesn't mean much (and I agree that the town halls and command chair posts provide so much more information then we used to get), a full website revamp is severely needed. We need to be able to use the website to get up-to-date info on basic aspects of the game as a whole.
7. More new-hires is awesome to hear! Considering certain backlogs (like the skinning issue) can PGI get support from Microsoft or even external contractors, just to fill in those backlogs and get other things done. It seems like contractors could be used to redo old mech visual reworks (. . . actual quality reworks -to match new mechs- . . . the Dragon, Catapult, Awesome, and Commando are some of the worst offenders here), get the pattern skinning of mechs caught up, and get some UI/AI work done for PvE and CW Phases.
8. Really looking forward to new PTS Phases and getting that rebalance done. That NEEDS to happen. Also . . . any changes to the skill tree are almost guaranteed to be good changes.
9. The campaign/career stuff was a terrible tease. I know it is a long way off but it sounds incredible.
Final note: I want to throw money at this game so badly, especially with all the good info from tonight, but I need to stick to my convictions. Fix flamers and my wallet reopens. There are lots of good concepts out there (Mcgral shows how easy one fix is that would be incredible) . . . but please make this weapon functional.
P.S. Bombadil: If you're looking here for any of the followups, could you please consider asking one about the timeline for the Flamer rework (or if anyone with twitter would be kind enough to ask that follow up, please)? Last town hall it was stated that Paul needed to be prodded for the followup.
Edited by Sereglach, 27 October 2015 - 08:17 PM.