Russhuster, on 20 February 2016 - 11:13 AM, said:
@ IraqiWalker
you have stated that but after reading you claiming that the direwolof is in a reasonable or even good state, i really doubt yure knowing what youre talking about
either that or you dont spend much time in a DWF cockpit
It is in a reasonable state. I just finished running my Gauss + lasers, and my 4xUAC 10 DWFs, and both performed just fine. Yes, the top speed is annoying, but it's nothing I'm not used to with the DWF. Especially now that it has zero negative quirks.
Russhuster, on 20 February 2016 - 11:13 AM, said:
IS got bollstered with the skilltree nerf simultanuously by buffing speed, agility in xome cases even the angles of turning etc
like ACC rete *45% decc rate +45% turning rate +30% torso turning rate + 40% for example THAT way of bolstered
True or pulled out of thin air?
and i can proof the numbers - thats reality enough for you? - iam listening
show us the numbers, and yes, that would be reality for me. Especially if those quirks you mentioned were put in place when the mobility nerf happened.
Russhuster, on 20 February 2016 - 11:13 AM, said:
I do know what the nerf did very well.. but i do also know what the quirks do they gave to the other mechs with that patch
when comparing chassi, BOTH sides need to be looked at - just in case youve forgotten that tiny FACT
I've based my entire point in discussing how both sides need to be looked at. You're the one who's been using only the DWF, and the BJ-1 (both edge cases that are not anywhere near the norm), as the bases of your arguments.
Russhuster, on 20 February 2016 - 11:13 AM, said:
Thats a blunt lie
IN direct comparism to a tonnage equal mech the DWF lost a lot of heat efficiency, Quite some Speed, and a vast ammount of maneuverability ( not to talk of surviveability)
The C-DHS nerf is nothing new, and it lost NO mobility, or survivability. It lost top speed, that's it. Do I need to repeat this: Torso turn rate, and turn speed don't care about your top speed, they are set by the engine. Your turning radius when going full speed is affected by your speed. As in, you will take longer to turn a full 180 degrees, while going faster.
These are the patch notes for Dec. 1st, when they nerfed mobility on all mechs (btw, the DWF actually had it's mobility buffed in that patch). Could you please show me where the IS buffs are listed there? Because those buffs don't exist in that patch. Dec 15th has nothing in there, either.
Jan. 19th listed no adjustments to quirks either. Then came Feb. 16th, which nerfed IS, and buffed clan. So when exactly did the IS get "bolstered" with those quirks you're mentioning?
Russhuster, on 20 February 2016 - 11:13 AM, said:
Your statement is telling me that you havnt used a DWF since the nerf otherwise you would ve known
look, i even asked you to do so, not out of fun, but out of the wish we both know the actual ( miserable) state the DWF is in
You cant be that blind
I literally just finished a drop in my DWF-Prime. I'm not denying that to you, the mech sucks. However, to me, the mech is doing fine. Yes, I wish it could go a bit faster, but it's survivability, turning rates, and firepower are still just great. In fact, with the removal of all negative quirks, it's fantastic, in those categories, now.
Russhuster, on 20 February 2016 - 11:13 AM, said:
We agree to disagree there, i remain convinced that quirks are a wrong and desasterous way of not achieving balance,.. but this i will refere to in my anser in the correct thread but iam taking my tim,e to test some more chassis out bevore giving you an answer there
Fine. I just think balancing on a case by case basis, is much better than broad changes that break the game.
Russhuster, on 20 February 2016 - 11:13 AM, said:
No, but the atlas can build in a larger engine the DWF cant.
So the Direwolf is now nerfed slower than even the stock readout says FACT
Please answer the following question
There are Atlanti named the Boars head running 70 kph from the stock
Where is the 70 kph running Direwolf?
This has been the case since day 1. If you want an omni mech, deal with the locked in engine. That's the trade off for the omni system.
The clans are getting a 100 ton omni assault mech that can break 85 Kph. Where's the IS one that can do that?
Saying that the Atlas can use a bigger engine is not an argument for your case. That Atlas would have to sacrifice even more of it's middling firepower, in order to move faster. Do you know the weight difference between a STD 300, and a STD 350? 9.5 tons. That's a lot of firepower weight that the Atlas would have to sacrifice in order to move fast. Most Atlas pilots used to mount a STD 325. That's not the case anymore. If they want to move at similar speeds to what they had before, they need to mount bigger engines. Bigger engine means less firepower.
So while the DWF moves slowly, and packs the firepower of 3 mechs. The Atlas has to have less firepower, in order to move a bit faster.
Literally the only time an Atlas can beat a DWF is if the DWF lets the Atlas get within 270 meters, and even then, the odds are not in the Atlas's favor.
Oh, and ALL the mechs have now been nerfed to move slower than their stock readout (except for the Summoner)
Russhuster, on 20 February 2016 - 11:13 AM, said:
well lets see
were in :
and there in the thread reality check
so,... YEEEEZZZZZ were in a thread concerning the dire wolf
so much for - welcome to reality
And players post about mech builds in the New Players' section. What of it? The post starting this thread said nothing about the DWF, neither did most of the posts in it.
Russhuster, on 20 February 2016 - 11:13 AM, said:
As clan tech is very heat extensive and most payload is extremely puny ( the DWF is the one and only exception there )
the heat sinks were needed badly, as every single peace of clantech is delivering more heat, now as the Clan Double heat sink capacity is nerfed to single heat sink - do you think Clan pilots are happy now?
Do you really think we re getting a chance of equal player numbers on both sides that way?
Have you been piloting clan mechs? Other than the MLX, and the IFR, most clan mechs can carry scary loadouts. There is no "puny" in heavy mechs running around with 90+ point alpha strikes. Really, let's go through them, and check their common builds, and potential builds. Let's see how many clan mechs have "puny" loadouts.
Now let's address the whole "nerfed to single heatsink" claim. That is an absolutely false statement. Let's look at the stats:
SHS: 0.12 dissipation external, 0.11 if internal (when it comes with the engine), and 1.2 increase to heat threshold
DHS: 0.14 dissipation external, 0.20 if internal (when it comes with the engine), and 1.5 increase to heat threshold
IS DHS comes in 3 slots
DHS: 0.15 dissipation if external, 0.20 if internal (when it comes with the engine), 1.1 increase to heat threshold.
C-DHS comes in 2 slots.
So what the clan mechs got was better dissipation, for a slight reduction to their max threshold. While at the same time being able to fit more DHS than a comparable IS mech. They cool faster, and are definitely not "nerfed to single heatsink" levels. Not even close.
Yes, the threshold is reduced a bit, but that is more than made up for by the fact that they can pack a lot of those DHS. Especially if the clan mech has both endo, and ferro. Since those two combined will equal one IS upgrade in slots cost, while freeing up a lot of tonnage.
In regards to equal player counts, are we talking CW? Or general population? Because in general population there are almost no players that don't have at least one clan mech
If it's CW, then it clans actually had most of the population, until the Warhammer came out, and people switched to IS.
Russhuster, on 20 February 2016 - 11:13 AM, said:
definitely - thats why iam still here and in other threads as well since 2013 as yourself by the way
Now after the rebalance the BJ still feels very strong to me and now i would agree with you the SCR is a tiny bit better than the BJ but we wonnt forget The SCR MUST be stronger it is a 55 ton mech whilst the BJ has 45ton
if you compare it with the 45 tons of a shadow cat the shadow cat still stands no chance against a BJ
but this doesnt belong here
The SCR always was, and has been stronger.
Russhuster, on 20 February 2016 - 11:13 AM, said:
You always have to look at the whole picture you can never judge balance when you just look at one side
when one side is nerfd while the other is buffed at the same time both sides MUST be concerbned in a balance evaluationfull stop !
This is where I think the main flaw of your reasoning really is.
That is simply not true.
When one side is so far ahead, there are three choices:
1- Nerf the strong side extremely to the point where it's close to the weaker side. (bad choice)
2- Buff the weaker side extremely to the point where it's close to the strong side. (bad choice)
3- Nerf the strong side a bit, and buff the weak side a bit, so both reach a middle ground. (the beset choice)
PGI went with option 3, which is the smart move.
Looking at the bigger picture, and not just two mechs, both sides are relatively well balanced. Though this is before considering the new global buff clan mechs mechs got, and the new global nerf IS mechs got.