Posted 28 October 2015 - 11:07 AM
If this gets implemented, im quitting the game for good.
This is nonsense, for one I happen to like alot of the maps most people hate, Terra Therma, Canyon.... guess ill be playing them even less then i do now,... both these maps already pop up alot less then the others, probably due to design and people whining about not wanting to play those maps.
2nd, im one of those pilots who plays conquest mostly, at least from my experience, skirmish and to a lesser extent Assault, end up being mostly just deathball / nascar deathball, and i like the pace and strategies involved in conquest matches.
Right now i have a choice to que up for the game mode i most enjoy. Everyone has a choice. Sometimes i have to wait longer between games, but im willing to accept that in order to play the mode i want.
This new voting system seems like its meant to appease the casual player that just wants to play NOW, so they que up for all 3 game types then either whine when they dont get what they want, or just play deathball and ignore the game mode. Ive actually seen people whine about lights capping in conquest, or get angry when they lose a conquest match from cap points, and call the win "cheap"//// these players should uncheck conquest, but they dont because they just dont want to wait a little longer for the match type they prefer....
well the bottom line for me is this... if im forced to play a game mode i dont want to, and or forced to play with others in conquest who dont want to play conquest and in some way may ruin my gaming experience because of it, ... then MWO will be getting uninstalled