In other games they make the weapon types distinctive and take account of how damage is applied so a sword swings faster than a hammer but the hammer does more damage per hit and a bow does damage at range but won’t do it as fast as a melee weapon. They all work out with a DPS of about the same but the advantages and disadvantages of the damage delivery are factored into them.
In the TT there was of course no issue with damage delivery as it was an abstract concept and all done in set periods of time. However in a computer game the damage delivery system is relevant is it a single bullet or a stream of energy?
As I see it lasers are a point and click weapon. There is no leading the target required. Ballistics and missiles (srms) both require leading the target.
there is no ammo with lasers but there is heat. But other than those characteristics there is little difference in how the weapon is played. Given that lasers trump ballistics because of the ability to place the damage easier and the savings on tonnage and space due to not needing ammo.
It seems to me that lasers should be the king of sustained combat but limited in the burst damage (this is what I thought the heat mechanic was about). Whereas ballistics should be a mix of sustained and burst damage. Missiles should hit big in one shot but long cool down.
It appears to me that what needs to be done is decide (on a general basis) on what the character of lasers, ballistics and missiles should be and then design the damage and delivery system to match.
Any thoughts on this?
Generally speaking (without recourse to damage numbers etc) what should be the difference between ballistics, lasers and missiles and how they deliver the damage.
stupid copy and paste
Edited by Greyhart, 02 November 2015 - 04:16 AM.