Terror Teddy, on 13 November 2012 - 02:17 AM, said:
Is it your favorite mech due to slot layout or simple Aesthetics?
You must be joking.
If you've ever owned and piloted any two different 'Mechs in the same weight class, such as the Hunchback and Centurion, you should know how differently they handle due to weapon placement (
not just hardpoints... I'm talking about arm/torso, vertical/lateral positioning, which you must take into account in your gunnery) as well as the general profile (which isn't mere aesthetics; it is responsible for limiting what kind of equipment might be efficiently equipped by the 'Mech).
There's a reason why you twist the torso of those two 'Mechs in a very different way during a brawl, for example, or why the Centurion is better off sniping from the side of building whilst the Hunchback will do better on top of a hill.
And if you imagine that the only thing that makes them unique is the hardpoint restriction, I must wonder if you've been playing at all...
'Mechs are not identified or defined by their weapon loadout alone.
Ask any clanner.
Though the discussion is moot, of course, since the developers appear determinate to maintain the multiple variant-based experience skill tree system.
Honestly, if the only thing which granted uniqueness or character to the different BattleMechs were the varying number and type of weapons which they could mount, then you could just have different weight classes with non-customizable weapon selections.
I thought you people wanted to avert this, hm?
The attention and importance which you dispense to the weapons as opposed to the 'Mech are absolutely ridiculous and blown way out of proportion.
Edited by Lorcan Lladd, 13 November 2012 - 04:48 AM.