from watching the mechlab video I can say that so far, from what we've been given to see, all weapons take up 1 hardpoint. in the video, when he strips the AC20 out of the hunchback, he recovers 1 hardpoint. when he drops a small laser in the arm it takes up 1 hardpoint.
my concern is more about the accuracy of a mech's loadout being represented on the mech when I see it on the field.
lets take the trebuchet's left arm for an example. it's got a medium laser and an LRM 15 in it. what's to prevent me from stripping the medium laser and putting in a PPC? that's a significant alteration to the mech.. if that PPC doesn't become visible on the in-game mech skin that other people see, then effectively I'm walking around with a concealed PPC that no one is gonna be expecting and no one really has the ability to anticipate.
at current it looks like the chasis doesn't get modified with altered weapons - my concern is that if I see a trebuchet (following the example) I want to be able to say 'wow this trebuchet has 3 large lasers (2 in the right arm, 1 in the left arm) so I need to go about taking it down alot differently than a typical trebuchet.' If I can't see those 3 large lasers, then I'm gonna walk into a fight with a radically different mech that what it appears as and that seems like it could be pretty lame.
accurate representation is what it boils down to. if I take out a small laser and put in a large laser, I'd really like to see that bigger gun represented on the model just to be fair to the people I'm going up against.
Similarly, the Catapult with the PPCs instead of missile boxes.. what's to keep me from putting the PPCs in the right and left torso instead of the medium lasers (for survivability) and move those medium lasers to the arms that look like PPCs? I know I'd be tempted to shoot at those PPC's mounted on the catapult's 'arms' just to reduce the mech's offensive capabilities. it'd be pretty weak to de-limb a catapult like that only to find out that the PPCs had been moved to the right and left torso and I should have been shooting center mass the whole time - infact, I probably just lost my mech because of that mistake.
what's a solution? I'd propose making larger guns take up multiple hardpoint slots - if there's only a small laser represented on the arm of a mech, then give it 1 energy weapon hardpoint. if you want to put a PPC there, then too bad, because maybe 'main gun' type weapons could cost 3 hardpoint slots. If an arm only has small guns represented, then cap it's hardpoints at 2 so you don't have the ability to install a main gun type weapon in that location.
this would be better at least, though not the best solution, because you could always strip out a main gun and add a boatload of small guns, arriving at the same loadout vs. appearance discrepancy that I detailed above.
Edited by Sept Wolfke, 09 July 2012 - 04:35 PM.