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What Real Life Country Is House Marik Based On?

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#21 Direwoof


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Posted 12 January 2018 - 08:43 PM

View PostCathy, on 08 November 2015 - 03:23 PM, said:

I think everyone has their opinions and there has never really been an official stance, and that is probably best on all the houses.

The only clear Nation before 3025 is Draconis Combine which is based around fake western ideals of a samurai, ninja culture, that clouded sensible views in the 1980's

Sadly as the lore expanded people pigeonholed as much as they could other nations followed suit

The Next nation to go this route was Capellan confederation in 3025 if came across as a Fu Man chu, meats Robert the Bruce, in the form of House Liao v St Ives compact, by 3060 the new house books had made it a chinese clone of the Draconis Combine, with thuggie cult and everything forbidden city, St Ives has tucked his sporran between his legs and the only thing tartan was his Cheongsam.

The biggest abortion of them all though is The Lyran Comonwealth this is now considered a germanic state in battle tech Canon. when it is a carbon copy of the British Empire since the early 19th century.

Its troops are Considered brave well equiped but poorly led by toffs exactly like the British empire troops have always been with a few glitches during world war two crusader tank *coughs*

All the regions of the L.C are named after regions in the UK, the Scots just had a vote on independence, and remained part of the Uk, just like the the federation of skye. guess where the isles of Skye are, yup Scotland.

The British Monarchy are German they have been German since King George came to the throne, the current bunch the House of Winsor ,were not called that until 1917, when it was thought that what with the Russian revolution, the french muntinee in the trenches and the fact Britain was at war with Germany, and bombers called Gotha's were dropping bombs on London to keep the name Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, might cause problems.

But some how the Lyran comonwealth is German.

Federated Suns

This is the bunch that a lot of Americans seem to think is Britain, because it has Leftenants and not Lieutenants and Hanse Davion likes King Arthur and Camelot, well Camelot is a French idea the knight order of the garter was set up by Henry II king of England, Normany and Aquitane who was William the ******** grand or great grandson I lose track, its his fault that battle like Cressy happened because of the English claim to parts of what is now northern and Western France he used to rule, there is a reason that the area called Britony is called that.

Anyway whatever the F.S are it sure aint the U.K. maybe its Canada as the Davions are supposed to be half French and half Hindu, if I remember correctly

Free Worlds League

This is another one that's not clear cut making it probably the most interesting of them all, the only American style democratic link it has, is the Federal court, though it's nowhere near as segmented as states rights. and I tend to ignore that part, its supposed to be a democracy that is run by a dictator.

The only Governments that were run like that are Cromwells England and the Roman Republic, both were strong governments that pretended to be for the people and had in theory democratic rights, which had civil wars and factional houses, also the only art work of the seat of government looks like the inside of the House of Parliament

The Mariks though are Romanian or Czechs, so I'd suggest the Free worlds League is more like the Balkan States with hints of the other two from the last Paragraph.

Free Rasalhague Republic

Space Vikings, I'd stopped really reading the lore by the time this state came about, calling them space Vikings is a bit crude,and a bit insulting as the real Rasalhague League was very successful though I don't get why so many Tamar Pact planets were given to it by Katrina Steiner as the parts of England West of the River Tamar, are the most un viking of all parts of the UK, the Cornish being one of only two groups of genuine Britons left in the world

Very true when reading the Steiner lore, it felt very earlier british empire. While Davion felt much more modern british/NATO. I like Marik and Steiner the best as they feel the most medieval.

#22 Greyboots


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Posted 13 January 2018 - 04:23 AM


The Marik family goes back to 13th century Eastern Europe but the FWL is bit of a hodgepodge due to it's origins. It's pretty much Eastern European and North American capitalist culture with with a mix of democracy and corporate politics/leadership.

#23 Appogee


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Posted 13 January 2018 - 04:26 AM

Can anyone tell me what words the term "Solahma" is a contraction of...?

#24 Zieten


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Posted 13 January 2018 - 04:36 AM

View PostLevi Porphyrogenitus, on 08 November 2015 - 02:12 PM, said:

Liao is all the worst bits of the USSR and the PRC, with a smattering of ancient Imperial Chinese trappings on top.

Maybe we could invite you into one of our...happy camps to correct your faulty view on the glorious Capellan Confederation ;)

on a more serious note: the cap-con is probably a mixture of chinese and russian heritage, although they stress the former

#25 Nema Nabojiv


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Posted 13 January 2018 - 05:25 AM

The chinese flavor of Capellan Confederation is just that, a flavor. Basically it is North Korea in space. And maybe with more food than real north korea.

#26 Sigmar Sich


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Posted 13 January 2018 - 06:05 AM

All you need to know about House Marik:
one Marik - scheming;
two Mariks - political plot:
three Mariks - political plot and a victim;
four Mariks - political plot and three victims.

#27 UnofficialOperator


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Posted 13 January 2018 - 07:43 AM

Holy necro batman!

Pretty sure the hint is aMARIKa...

And what do you get when you mix red white and blue?

Purple eagle ... yep...

Edited by UnofficialOperator, 13 January 2018 - 07:45 AM.

#28 Bombast


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Posted 13 January 2018 - 07:50 AM

View PostAppogee, on 13 January 2018 - 04:26 AM, said:

Can anyone tell me what words the term "Solahma" is a contraction of...?

Something Russian, probably.

#29 Water Bear


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Posted 13 January 2018 - 10:18 AM

View PostPalmaRoma, on 08 November 2015 - 01:18 PM, said:

For somebody who is more educated on the lore than I am. Being that I never played the TT, I'm not too well versed on the lore, however, I know the FRR is pretty similair to the Vikings.
Davions similar to the English. Steiners are pretty German in influence. I think Liao is similar to the Chinese, and Kurtia are similar to the Japanese. That leaves Marik, I'm not too sure what they were based on. Could anybody enlighten me? Also, if I wanted to learn a bit more about the lore stuff, what would you recommend? If I posted this on the wrong part of the forums I apologize, I wasn't too sure where to put this.

I'm sure Sarna covers this. There are Poles, Asians, and a bit of everything else inside the FWL. Depending on what you beleive in BT history, it was a fairly diverse place. Lots of infighting between the major "states", though.

#30 Water Bear


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Posted 13 January 2018 - 10:29 AM

View PostLevi Porphyrogenitus, on 08 November 2015 - 02:12 PM, said:

Marik is the post-Ottoman Balkans, the United States, and Eastern Europe post-USSR, in descending order of influence.


Davion is post-Cold War UK/France with a bit of United States thrown in.

Steiner is Pre-WWI Germany with a hefty mercantilist bent.

Rassalhague is Scandinavia.

Liao is all the worst bits of the USSR and the PRC, with a smattering of ancient Imperial Chinese trappings on top.

Kurita is feudal Japan.

Naturally, certain areas within each realm have their own influences, for instance Marik has an American South West/Mexico area, and Kurita has an Arab sub-set. Steiner has an Irish area that is very secessionist.

Based on my memory (which addmitedly is not so great) this is more or less correct. I never read novels, but stuck to field manuals, TROs, etc. Rule book sized story updates.

I know the Kurita have the Arab subset (giving rise to the Arkab legion) for example.

Edited by Water Bear, 13 January 2018 - 10:30 AM.

#31 Levi Porphyrogenitus


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Posted 13 January 2018 - 11:07 AM

View PostUnofficialOperator, on 13 January 2018 - 07:43 AM, said:

Holy necro batman!

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